niftynet.engine.signal module

This module defines default signals supported by NiftyNet engine.

By design, all connected functions (event handlers) have access to TF session and graph by tf.get_default_session() and tf.get_default_graph().

NIFTYNET = {u'graph_started': <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70dd0; u'graph_started'>, u'iteration_finished': <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70ed0; u'iteration_finished'>, u'iteration_started': <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70e90; u'iteration_started'>, u'session_finished': <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70e50; u'session_finished'>, u'session_started': <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70e10; u'session_started'>}

namespace of NiftyNet’s default signals.

GRAPH_CREATED = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70dd0; u'graph_started'>

Signal emitted immediately after the application’s graph is created

SESS_STARTED = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70e10; u'session_started'>

Signal emitted at the beginning of a training/inference process (after the creation of both graph and session.)

SESS_FINISHED = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70e50; u'session_finished'>

Signal emitted before the end of a training/inference process (after the creation of both graph and session.)

ITER_STARTED = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70e90; u'iteration_started'>

Signal emitted immediately when each iteration starts (after the creation of both graph and session.)

ITER_FINISHED = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7fb208a70ed0; u'iteration_finished'>

Signal emitted before the end of each iteration (after the creation of both graph and session.)