Source code for niftynet.contrib.segmentation_selective_sampler.sampler_selective

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Generating sample arrays from random distributions
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve

from niftynet.engine.image_window import N_SPATIAL
from niftynet.engine.sampler_uniform import UniformSampler

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]class SelectiveSampler(UniformSampler): """ This class generators samples by uniformly sampling each input volume currently the coordinates are randomised for spatial dims only, i.e., the first three dims of image. This layer can be considered as a `random cropping` layer of the input image. """ def __init__(self, reader, data_param, batch_size, windows_per_image, constraint, random_windows_per_image=0, queue_length=10): UniformSampler.__init__(self, reader=reader, data_param=data_param, batch_size=batch_size, windows_per_image=windows_per_image, queue_length=queue_length) self.constraint = constraint self.n_samples_rand = random_windows_per_image self.spatial_coordinates_generator = \ self.selective_spatial_coordinates()'initialised selective sampling')
[docs] def selective_spatial_coordinates(self): """ this function generates a function, the function will be used to replace the random coordinate generated in UniformSampler This wrapper is created in order to use directly in the generator. :return: a spatial coordinates generator function """ print('self rand samples is ', self.n_samples_rand) def spatial_coordinates_function( subject_id, data, img_sizes, win_sizes, n_samples=1, n_samples_rand=0): """ this function first find a set of feasible locations, based on discrete labels and randomly choose n_samples from the feasible locations. :param subject_id: :param data: :param img_sizes: :param win_sizes: :param n_samples: total number of samples :param n_samples_rand: number of totally random samples apart from selected ones :return: """ candidates, proba_cand = candidate_indices( win_sizes['label'], data['label'], self.constraint) print('feasible locations found') if np.sum(candidates) < self.window.n_samples: print('Constraints not fulfilled for this case') # return something here... # find random coordinates based on window, potential # candidates and image shapes coordinates = rand_choice_coordinates(subject_id, img_sizes, win_sizes, candidates, proba_cand, n_samples, n_samples_rand) return coordinates return spatial_coordinates_function
[docs]def create_label_size_map(data): """ This function creates the maps of label size. For each connected component of a label with value :value:, the binary segmentation is replaced by the size of the considered element :param data: segmentation :param value: value of the label to consider :return: count_data """ labelled_data, _ = ndimage.label(data) components, count = np.unique(labelled_data, return_counts=True) count_data = np.copy(labelled_data) for label, size in zip(components, count): if label == 0: continue count_data[labelled_data == label] = size return count_data
[docs]def candidate_indices(win_sizes, data, constraint): """ This functions creates a binary map of potential candidate indices given the specified constraints and the recalculated probability to select each of these candidates so as to uniformise the sampling according to the size of connected elements :param win_sizes: :param data: segmentation :param constraint: sampling constraint :return: candidates: binary map of potential indices, proba_fin: corresponding maps of associated sampling probability """ unique = np.unique(np.round(data)) list_labels = [] data = np.round(data) if constraint.list_labels: list_labels = constraint.list_labels print('list labels is ', list_labels) for label in list_labels: if label not in unique: print('Label %d is not there' % label) return np.zeros_like(data), None num_labels_add = max(constraint.num_labels - len(list_labels), 0) \ if constraint.num_labels > 0 else 0 if len(unique) < constraint.num_labels: print('Missing labels') return np.zeros_like(data), None if constraint.min_ratio > 0: num_min = constraint.min_number_from_ratio(win_sizes) spatial_win_sizes = np.asarray(win_sizes[:N_SPATIAL], dtype=np.int32) max_spatial_win = spatial_win_sizes[0] # Create segmentation for this label list_counts = [] shape_ones = np.asarray(data.shape) # print(shape_ones, max_spatial_win) half_max_size = np.floor(max_spatial_win / 2) padding = [] for i in range(0, len(win_sizes)): if i < N_SPATIAL: shape_ones[i] -= 2 * half_max_size padding = padding + [[half_max_size, half_max_size], ] else: padding = padding + [[0, 0], ] final = np.pad(np.ones(shape_ones), np.asarray(padding, dtype=np.int32), 'constant') # print(shape_ones, padding, data.shape, np.sum(np.ones(data.shape)), # np.sum(final)) window_ones = np.ones(win_sizes, dtype=np.int32) mean_counts_size = [] # print(unique) for value in unique: # print(np.sum(data), 'sum in data',, # ' elements in data') seg_label = (data == value).astype(data.dtype) # print(np.sum(seg_label), " num values in seg_label ", value) label_size = create_label_size_map(seg_label) # print(value, np.sum(seg_label), seg_label.shape, # window_ones.shape, num_min) # print('Begin fft convolve') counts_window = fftconvolve(seg_label, window_ones, 'same') # print('finished fft convolve') valid_places = \ (counts_window > np.max([num_min, 1])).astype(data.dtype) counts_size = fftconvolve( label_size * valid_places, window_ones, 'same') mean_counts_size_temp = np.nan_to_num( counts_size * 1.0 / counts_window) mean_counts_size_temp[counts_window == 0] = 0 # print(np.max(counts_size), " max size") # print(np.sum(valid_places), value) if value in list_labels: # print(value, 'in list_labels') mean_counts_size.append(mean_counts_size_temp) # print(np.sum(valid_places)) valid_places = np.where(final == 0, np.zeros_like(final), valid_places) final = np.copy(valid_places) # print(np.sum(valid_places)) print('final calculated for value in list_labels') else: list_counts.append(valid_places) list_counts.append(final) # print(len(list_counts)) print('final characterisation') # for i in range(0, len(list_counts)): # # print(final.shape, list_counts[i].shape, np.max(final), np.max( # # list_counts[i])) # final += list_counts[i] final = np.sum(np.asarray(list_counts), axis=0) # print(final.shape, 'shape of final', len(list_counts)) print('initialising candidates', num_labels_add) candidates = np.where(final >= num_labels_add + 1, np.ones_like(final), np.zeros_like(final)) # candidates[final >= num_labels_add + 1] = 1 print(np.sum(candidates), 'number of candidates') proba_fin = None if constraint.proba_connected: proba_fin = create_probability_weights(candidates, mean_counts_size) return candidates, proba_fin
[docs]def create_probability_weights(candidates, mean_counts_size): """ This functions creates the probability weighting given the valid candidates and the size of connected components associated to this candidate :param candidates: binary map of the valid candidates :param mean_counts_size: counts attributed to each candidate :return: probability map for the selection of any voxel as candidate """ proba_weight = np.ones_like(candidates) for i in range(0, len(mean_counts_size)): # print(candidates.shape, mean_counts_size[i].shape, np.max(candidates), # np.max(mean_counts_size[i])) possible_mean_count = np.nan_to_num(candidates * mean_counts_size[i]) max_count = np.ceil(np.max(possible_mean_count)) print(max_count , 'is max_count') unique, counts = np.unique(np.round(possible_mean_count), return_counts=True) reciprocal_hist = np.sum(counts[1:]) * np.reciprocal( np.asarray(counts[1:], dtype=np.float32)) sum_rec = np.sum(reciprocal_hist) proba_hist = np.divide(reciprocal_hist, sum_rec) print(unique, counts, sum_rec, len(proba_hist)) e_start = unique[1:] e_end = unique[2:] e_end.tolist().append(max_count + 1) # print(e_start.shape, e_end.shape, e_start[-1], e_end[-1], len( # proba_hist)) candidates_proba = np.zeros_like(candidates) if len(unique) == 2: proba_weight = np.ones_like(candidates, dtype=np.float32) * \ 1.0/np.sum(candidates) proba_weight = np.multiply(proba_weight, candidates) else: for (e_s, e_e, size) in zip(e_start, e_end, proba_hist): prob_selector = \ (possible_mean_count >= e_s) & (possible_mean_count < e_e) candidates_proba[prob_selector.astype(np.bool)] = size proba_weight = np.multiply(proba_weight, candidates_proba) print("Finished probability calculation") return np.divide(proba_weight, np.sum(proba_weight))
[docs]def rand_choice_coordinates(subject_id, img_sizes, win_sizes, candidates, mean_counts_size=None, n_samples=1, n_samples_rand=0): """ win_sizes could be different, for example in segmentation network input image window size is 32x32x10, training label window is 16x16x10, the network reduces x-y plane spatial resolution. This function handles this situation by first find the largest window across these window definitions, and generate the coordinates. These coordinates are then adjusted for each of the smaller window sizes (the output windows are concentric). """ print(n_samples) n_samples_rand = np.min([n_samples_rand, n_samples-1]) n_samples_cand = n_samples - n_samples_rand uniq_spatial_size = set([img_size[:N_SPATIAL] for img_size in list(img_sizes.values())]) if len(uniq_spatial_size) > 1: tf.logging.fatal("Don't know how to generate sampling " "locations: Spatial dimensions of the " "grouped input sources are not " "consistent. %s", uniq_spatial_size) raise NotImplementedError uniq_spatial_size = uniq_spatial_size.pop() # find spatial window location based on the largest spatial window spatial_win_sizes = [win_size[:N_SPATIAL] for win_size in win_sizes.values()] spatial_win_sizes = np.asarray(spatial_win_sizes, dtype=np.int32) max_spatial_win = np.max(spatial_win_sizes, axis=0) for i in range(0, N_SPATIAL): assert uniq_spatial_size[i] >= max_spatial_win[i], \ "window size {} is larger than image size {}".format( max_spatial_win[i], uniq_spatial_size[i]) # randomly choose n_samples from candidate locations candidates_indices = np.vstack(np.where(candidates == 1)).T # print(np.min(candidates_indices), np.max(candidates_indices), # len(candidates_indices)) list_indices_fin = np.arange(len(candidates_indices)) if mean_counts_size is not None: # Probability weighting considered print(np.sum(mean_counts_size), 'proba weighting considered') proba = [p for (c, p) in zip(candidates.flatten(), mean_counts_size.flatten()) if c >= 1] list_indices_fin = np.random.choice( list_indices_fin, n_samples_cand, replace=False, p=proba) else: np.random.shuffle(list_indices_fin) list_indices_fin = list_indices_fin[:n_samples_cand] if n_samples_rand > 0: spatial_win_sizes = np.asarray(win_sizes[:N_SPATIAL], dtype=np.int32) max_spatial_win = spatial_win_sizes[0] # Create segmentation for this label # list_counts = [] shape_ones = np.asarray(candidates.shape) # print(shape_ones, max_spatial_win) half_max_size = np.floor(max_spatial_win / 2) padding = [] for i in range(0, len(shape_ones)): if i < N_SPATIAL: shape_ones[i] -= 2 * half_max_size padding = padding + [[half_max_size, half_max_size], ] else: padding = padding + [[0, 0], ] # print(shape_ones, padding) rand_one = np.pad(np.ones(shape_ones), np.asarray(padding, dtype=np.int32), 'constant') # rand_one = np.ones_like(candidates) list_possible_rand = np.vstack(np.where(rand_one == 1)).T list_indices_rand = np.random.choice(list_possible_rand, n_samples_rand, replace=False) list_indices_fin = np.concatenate((list_indices_fin, list_indices_rand)) max_coords = np.zeros((n_samples, N_SPATIAL), dtype=np.int32) half_win = np.floor(np.asarray(win_sizes['image']) / 2).astype( for (i_sample, ind) in enumerate(list_indices_fin): max_coords[i_sample, :N_SPATIAL] = \ candidates_indices[ind][:N_SPATIAL] - half_win[:N_SPATIAL] # print(np.min(max_coords), np.max(max_coords)) # adjust max spatial coordinates based on each spatial window size all_coordinates = {} for mod in list(win_sizes): win_size = win_sizes[mod][:N_SPATIAL] half_win_diff = np.floor((max_spatial_win - win_size) / 2.0) # print(win_size, half_win_diff, 'win and half_Win_diff') # shift starting coords of the window # so that smaller windows are centred within the large windows spatial_coords = np.zeros((n_samples, N_SPATIAL * 2), dtype=np.int32) spatial_coords[:, :N_SPATIAL] = \ max_coords[:, :N_SPATIAL] + half_win_diff[:N_SPATIAL] spatial_coords[:, N_SPATIAL:] = \ spatial_coords[:, :N_SPATIAL] + win_size[:N_SPATIAL] # include the subject id subject_id = np.ones((n_samples,), dtype=np.int32) * subject_id spatial_coords = np.append( subject_id[:, None], spatial_coords, axis=1) all_coordinates[mod] = spatial_coords # print(all_coordinates) return all_coordinates
[docs]class Constraint(object): """ group of user specified constraints for choosing window samples """ def __init__(self, compulsory_labels=(0, 1), min_ratio=0.000001, min_num_labels=2, flag_proba_uniform=False): self.list_labels = compulsory_labels self.min_ratio = min_ratio self.num_labels = min_num_labels self.proba_connected = flag_proba_uniform
[docs] def min_number_from_ratio(self, win_size): """ number of voxels from ratio :param win_size: :return: """ num_elements = print(num_elements, self.min_ratio) min_num = np.ceil(self.min_ratio * num_elements) return min_num