Source code for niftynet.engine.application_variables

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Managing tf.Tensor variables for initialising/evaluating networks
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import tensorflow as tf
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from tensorflow.contrib.framework import list_variables

from import image3_axial
from import image3_coronal
from import image3_sagittal
from import resolve_checkpoint
from niftynet.utilities import util_common as util
from niftynet.utilities.restore_initializer import restore_initializer
from niftynet.utilities.util_common import look_up_operations

RESTORABLE = 'NiftyNetObjectsToRestore'
NETWORK_OUTPUT = 'niftynetout'
CONSOLE = 'niftynetconsole'
SUPPORTED_SUMMARY = {'scalar': tf.summary.scalar,
                     'histogram': tf.summary.histogram,
                     'image': tf.summary.image,
                     'image3_sagittal': image3_sagittal,
                     'image3_coronal': image3_coronal,
                     'image3_axial': image3_axial}

[docs]class GradientsCollector(object): """ This collector has a list of all gradients, collected when constructing the tf graph. The gradient from multiple GPUs will be averaged, and the averaged op is added to graph by application driver """ def __init__(self, n_devices=1): self._gradients = [] self.n_devices = n_devices
[docs] def add_to_collection(self, gradients): """ Add gradient generated by optimiser.compute_gradients to a dictionary. This will be retrieved during training. The gradient can be a list of model updates, application can choose to implement `set_iteration_update()` interface to specify how the gradients are used at each iteration :param gradients: generated by optimiser.compute_gradients(loss) :return: """ assert self._current_tower_id < self.n_devices, \ "call add_to_collection once per device" self._gradients.append(gradients)
@property def _current_tower_id(self): """ returns the list length of the collected as a multi-device index """ try: return len(self._gradients) except TypeError: tf.logging.fatal('unknown gradient format') raise @property def gradients(self): """ this function returns averaged gradient over devices used by application driver :return: averaged gradients over devices """ assert self._gradients, \ "Please add gradients to collector when constructing the graph" return util.average_gradients(self._gradients)
[docs]class OutputsCollector(object): """ Collect all tf.Tensor object, to be evaluated by These objects are grouped into:: NETWORK_OUTPUT: to be decoded by an aggregator CONSOLE: to be printed on command line TF_SUMMARIES: to be added to tensorboard visualisation """ def __init__(self, n_devices=1): self.console_vars = {} self.summary_vars = {} self.output_vars = {} self._merge_op = None self.n_devices = n_devices def _add_to_dict(self, var_dict, var, name, do_averaging=False): """ update the dict, with item of either {name: variable} or {name: list of variable} return: key of the var_dict """ assert isinstance(var, tf.Tensor), \ "only supports adding one tf.Tensor at a time," \ "but received {}".format(var) assert name is not None, \ "select a meaningful name for variable {}" \ "received {}".format(var, name) if do_averaging and self.n_devices > 1: # collecting variables across devices as a list var_list = var_dict.get(name, []) try: var_list.append(var) except AttributeError: tf.logging.fatal( "averaged variable name %s has been taken", name) raise var_dict[name] = var_list if len(var_list) > self.n_devices: tf.logging.fatal("averaged variable %s has been used " "in the collector", name) raise ValueError return name else: # collecting variables and rename if exists new_name = name _uniq_id = 0 while new_name in var_dict: _uniq_id += 1 new_name = '{}_{}'.format(name, _uniq_id) var_dict[new_name] = var return new_name # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def add_to_collection(self, var, name, average_over_devices=False, collection=CONSOLE, summary_type='scalar'): """ add tf.Tensors to be evaluated to dictionary The dictionaries will be retrieved and evaluated by application driver in the train/infer loops :param var: tf.Tensor to be evaluated by tf.Session() :param name: name of the variable (for displaying purposes) :param average_over_devices: :param collection: in choices of [CONSOLE, TF_SUMMARIES, NETWORK_OUTPUT] :param summary_type: if adding to TF_SUMMARIES, there are a few possible ways to visualise the Tensor value see SUPPORTED_SUMMARY :return: """ if collection == CONSOLE: self._add_to_console(var, name, average_over_devices) elif collection == NETWORK_OUTPUT: self._add_to_network_output(var, name, average_over_devices) elif collection == TF_SUMMARIES: self._add_to_tf_summary( var, name, average_over_devices, summary_type) else: raise ValueError( "unknown variable collection {}.".format(collection))
[docs] def variables(self, collection=CONSOLE): """ get tf.Tensors to be evaluated by tf.Session().run() :param collection: in choices of [CONSOLE, TF_SUMMARIES, NETWORK_OUTPUT] :return: a variable dictionary """ if collection == CONSOLE: return self.console_vars elif collection == TF_SUMMARIES: return self._merge_op if self._merge_op is not None else {} elif collection == NETWORK_OUTPUT: return self.output_vars else: tf.logging.fatal("unknown output %s", collection) raise ValueError
[docs] def finalise_output_op(self): """ This function checks the dictionary, if the variable needs to be averaged over devices, then a reduce_mean node is added to the graph. This function should be called in ApplicationDriver.create_graph function """ self._average_variables_over_devices(self.console_vars, False) self._average_variables_over_devices(self.output_vars, False) self._average_variables_over_devices(self.summary_vars, True) self._merge_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=TF_SUMMARIES)
def _add_to_network_output(self, var, name, average_over_devices=False): """ add a variable to be decoded in application.interpret_output """ self._add_to_dict(self.output_vars, var, name, average_over_devices) def _add_to_console(self, var, name, average_over_devices=False): """ add a variable to be displayed in command line """ self._add_to_dict(self.console_vars, var, name, average_over_devices) def _add_to_tf_summary(self, var, name, average_over_devices=False, summary_type='scalar'): """ add a variable to be displayed in tensorboard """ name = self._add_to_dict( self.summary_vars, var, name, average_over_devices) # _add_to_dict might change the name parameter to avoid # naming clash, here uses the returned new name for summary values = self.summary_vars.get(name, None) if isinstance(values, tf.Tensor): summary_op = look_up_operations(summary_type, SUPPORTED_SUMMARY) summary_op(name, values, collections=[TF_SUMMARIES]) @staticmethod def _average_variables_over_devices(var_dict, create_tf_summary_op=False): """ The last step of creating a tensorflow graph, new ops are added by using reduce_mean over multi-devices """ for var_name in var_dict: values = var_dict.get(var_name, None) if not isinstance(values, list): continue var_dict[var_name] = tf.reduce_mean(values, name=var_name) if create_tf_summary_op: # for the averaged variables use scalar summary only tf.summary.scalar(name='{}_device_average_'.format(var_name), tensor=var_dict[var_name], collections=[TF_SUMMARIES])
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,cell-var-from-loop
[docs]def global_vars_init_or_restore(var_list=None): """ For any scope added to RESTORABLE collection: variable will be restored from a checkpoint if it exists in the specified checkpoint and no scope ancestor can restore it. """ if var_list is None: var_list = tf.global_variables() restorable = sorted(tf.get_collection(RESTORABLE), key=lambda x: x[0]) restored_vars = {} for scope, checkpoint_name, checkpoint_scope in restorable: variables_in_scope = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope=scope) checkpoint_file = resolve_checkpoint(checkpoint_name) variables_in_file = [v for (v, _) in list_variables(checkpoint_file)] rename = lambda x: x.replace(scope, checkpoint_scope).replace(':0', '') to_restore = [v for v in variables_in_scope if v in var_list and rename( in variables_in_file] for var in to_restore: if var in restored_vars: continue if '/' in rename( checkpoint_subscope, var_name = rename('/', 1) else: checkpoint_subscope, var_name = None, rename( initializer = restore_initializer( checkpoint_name, var_name, checkpoint_subscope) restored_vars[var] = tf.assign( var, initializer(var.get_shape(), dtype=var.dtype)) init_others = tf.variables_initializer( [v for v in var_list if v not in restored_vars]) restore_op =, *list(restored_vars.values())) return restore_op