Source code for niftynet.engine.image_window_buffer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module define queues that stores training/evaluation images (and labels)

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import threading

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from import squeeze_spatial_temporal_dim

# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs]class InputBatchQueueRunner(object): """ This class defines a light wrapper around queue objects for input windows, and the coordinates describes the original location of the window. After initialisation, ``run_threads()`` can be called with ``tf.session`` and ``tf.coordinator`` to start generating samples with multiple threads. The sampling threads can be stopped by: ``close_all()`` called externally -- all threads quit immediately. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, capacity, shuffle=True): # define queue properties self.capacity = capacity self.shuffle = shuffle # dequeue size self._batch_size = 1 # create queue and the associated operations self.placeholders_dict = None self.output_tensor = None self._queue = None self._enqueue_op = None self._dequeue_func = None self._query_queue_size_op = None self._close_queue_op = None # keep track of session and threads created by this class instance self._session = None self._coordinator = None self._threads = [] self._window = None def _create_queue_and_ops(self, window, enqueue_size=1, dequeue_size=1): """ Create a shuffled queue or FIFO queue, and create queue operations. This should be called before ``tf.Graph.finalize``. """ self._window = window try: is_dynamic_window = window.has_dynamic_shapes except AttributeError: tf.logging.fatal( "unrecognised window format, expecting a" "niftynet.engine.image_window.ImageWindow instance") raise if is_dynamic_window and enqueue_size > 1: tf.logging.warning( "using dynamic window size, buffer input size is set to 1") if is_dynamic_window and dequeue_size > 1: tf.logging.warning( "using dynamic window size, network batch size is set to 1") _enqueue_size = 1 if is_dynamic_window else enqueue_size self._batch_size = 1 if is_dynamic_window else dequeue_size self.capacity = int(max( self.capacity, round(self._batch_size * 2.5))) assert self._batch_size <= self.capacity, \ "batch size {} is larger than the buffer size {}, " \ "please increase the queue capacity " \ "or decrease the batch size".format( self._batch_size, self.capacity)'buffering with %s windows', self.capacity) try: self.placeholders_dict = window.placeholders_dict(_enqueue_size) except AttributeError: tf.logging.fatal( "unrecognised window format, expecting a" "niftynet.engine.image_window.ImageWindow instance") raise names = list(self.placeholders_dict) placeholders = list(self.placeholders_dict.values()) input_dtypes = [holder.dtype for holder in placeholders] input_shapes = [holder.shape[1:] for holder in placeholders] \ if not is_dynamic_window else None # create a queue # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type if self.shuffle: self._queue = tf.RandomShuffleQueue( capacity=self.capacity, min_after_dequeue=self.capacity // 2, dtypes=input_dtypes, shapes=input_shapes, names=names, name="shuffled_queue") assert (self.capacity - self.capacity // 2) >= self._batch_size, \ "batch size larger than the largest possible dequeue size" \ "of the current queue capacity" else: self._queue = tf.FIFOQueue( capacity=self.capacity, dtypes=input_dtypes, shapes=input_shapes, names=names, name="FIFO_queue") # create queue operations if is_dynamic_window: self._enqueue_op = self._queue.enqueue(self.placeholders_dict) self._dequeue_func = self._queue.dequeue else: self._enqueue_op = self._queue.enqueue_many(self.placeholders_dict) self._dequeue_func = self._queue.dequeue_many self._query_queue_size_op = self._queue.size() self._close_queue_op = self._queue.close(cancel_pending_enqueues=True) def __call__(self): tf.logging.fatal( 'input queue should be used with a' 'niftynet.layer.base_layer.Layer instance,' 'where a layer_op is implemented as providing' 'enqueue data') raise NotImplementedError def _push(self, thread_id):'New thread: %d', thread_id) # pylint: disable=broad-except try: output_dict = None for output_dict in self(): if self._session._closed or self._coordinator.should_stop(): break, feed_dict=output_dict) if output_dict is None: tf.logging.fatal('no output from the sampler') raise ValueError # push a set of stopping patches for _ in range(self.capacity + self._batch_size): if self._session._closed or self._coordinator.should_stop(): break for name in list(output_dict): output_dict[name] = np.ones_like(output_dict[name]) * -1, feed_dict=output_dict) except NotImplementedError: self.close_all() raise except tf.errors.CancelledError: pass except Exception: import sys import traceback exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception( exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout) self.close_all() raise finally: pass def _current_queue_size(self): # for debugging purpose if self._session._closed: return 0 return
[docs] def pop_batch_op(self): """ This function is used when connecting a sampler output to a network. e.g.:: data_dict = self.get_sampler()[0].pop_batch_op(device_id) net_output = net_model(data_dict, is_training) .. caution:: Note it squeezes the output tensor of 6 dims ``[batch, x, y, z, time, modality]`` by removing all dims along which length is one. :return: a tensorflow graph op """ assert all([thread.isAlive() for thread in self._threads]), \ "input sampling threads are not running" if self._window.has_dynamic_shapes: data_output = self._dequeue_func() else: data_output = self._dequeue_func(self._batch_size) for (name, shape) in self._window.shapes.items(): data_output[name].set_shape([self._batch_size] + list(shape)) for name in data_output: data_output[name] = squeeze_spatial_temporal_dim(data_output[name]) # keep a copy of the sampler's output tensors self.output_tensor = data_output return data_output
[docs] def run_threads(self, session, coord, num_threads=1): """ This function should be called by application.driver, where a session and coordinator is maintained, it starts sampling threads to fill the queue. Note that the threads will be blocked if there's no dequeue_op running, or number of samples is less than the dequeue batch size. :param session: a tensorflow session :param coord: a tensorflow coordinator :param num_threads: integer specifies the number of threads :return: """ num_threads = max(int(num_threads), 1) if num_threads > 1 and isinstance(self._queue, tf.FIFOQueue): tf.logging.warning('Only one thread for FIFO Queues') num_threads = 1'Starting preprocessing threads...') self._session = session self._coordinator = coord for idx in range(num_threads): self._threads.append( threading.Thread(target=self._push, args=[idx])) self._threads[idx].daemon = True self._threads[idx].start()
[docs] def close_all(self): """ This function stops all threads immediately and close the queue. Further enqueue/dequeue operation raises errors """ if not self._threads: tf.logging.warning("the queue threads is not currently running") try: self._coordinator.request_stop() self._coordinator.join(threads=self._threads, stop_grace_period_secs=0) except (RuntimeError, AttributeError): pass finally: if (self._session is not None) and (not self._session._closed):