Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import errno
import importlib
import logging as log
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.core.framework import summary_pb2

from niftynet.utilities.util_import import check_module
from niftynet.utilities.niftynet_global_config import NiftyNetGlobalConfig

IS_PYTHON2 = False if sys.version_info[0] > 2 else True

IMAGE_LOADERS = [nib.load]

except (ImportError, AssertionError):
    tf.logging.warning('SimpleITK adapter failed to load, '
                       'reducing the supported file formats.')

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)

FILE_EXTENSIONS = [".nii.gz", ".tar.gz"]
CONSOLE_LOG_FORMAT = "\033[1m%(levelname)s:niftynet:\033[0m %(message)s"
FILE_LOG_FORMAT = "%(levelname)s:niftynet:%(asctime)s: %(message)s"

#### utilities for file headers

[docs]def infer_ndims_from_file(file_path): image_header = load_image(file_path).header try: return int(image_header['dim'][0]) except TypeError: pass try: return int(len(image_header.get_data_shape())) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass tf.logging.fatal('unsupported file header in: {}'.format(file_path)) raise IOError('could not get ndims from file header, please ' 'consider convert image files to NifTI format.')
[docs]def create_affine_pixdim(affine, pixdim): """ Given an existing affine transformation and the pixel dimension to apply, create a new affine matrix that satisfies the new pixel dimension. :param affine: original affine matrix :param pixdim: pixel dimensions to apply :return: """ norm_affine = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(affine[:, 0:3]), 0)) to_divide = np.tile( np.expand_dims(np.append(norm_affine, 1), axis=1), [1, 4]) to_multiply = np.tile( np.expand_dims(np.append(np.asarray(pixdim), 1), axis=1), [1, 4]) return np.multiply(np.divide(affine, to_divide.T), to_multiply.T)
[docs]def load_image(filename): # load an image from a supported filetype and return an object # that matches nibabel's spatialimages interface for image_loader in IMAGE_LOADERS: try: img = image_loader(filename) img = correct_image_if_necessary(img) return img except nib.filebasedimages.ImageFileError: # if the image_loader cannot handle the type_str # continue to next loader pass tf.logging.fatal('No loader could load the file %s', filename) raise IOError
[docs]def correct_image_if_necessary(img): if img.header['dim'][0] == 5: # do nothing for high-dimensional array return img # Check that affine matches zooms pixdim = img.header.get_zooms() if not np.array_equal( np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(img.affine[0:3, 0:3]), 0)), np.asarray(pixdim)): if hasattr(img, 'get_sform'): # assume it is a malformed NIfTI and try to fix it img = rectify_header_sform_qform(img) return img
[docs]def rectify_header_sform_qform(img_nii): """ Look at the sform and qform of the nifti object and correct it if any incompatibilities with pixel dimensions :param img_nii: :return: """ # TODO: check img_nii is a nibabel object pixdim = img_nii.header.get_zooms() sform = img_nii.get_sform() qform = img_nii.get_qform() norm_sform = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sform[0:3, 0:3]), 0)) norm_qform = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(qform[0:3, 0:3]), 0)) flag_sform_problem = False flag_qform_problem = False if not np.array_equal(norm_sform, np.asarray(pixdim)): flag_sform_problem = True if not np.array_equal(norm_qform, np.asarray(pixdim)): flag_qform_problem = True if img_nii.header['sform_code'] > 0: if not flag_sform_problem: return img_nii elif not flag_qform_problem: # recover by copying the qform over the sform img_nii.set_sform(np.copy(img_nii.get_qform())) return img_nii elif img_nii.header['qform_code'] > 0: if not flag_qform_problem: return img_nii elif not flag_sform_problem: # recover by copying the sform over the qform img_nii.set_qform(np.copy(img_nii.get_sform())) return img_nii affine = img_nii.affine pixdim = img_nii.header.get_zooms() while len(pixdim) < 3: pixdim = pixdim + (1.0,) # TODO: assuming 3 elements new_affine = create_affine_pixdim(affine, pixdim[:3]) img_nii.set_sform(new_affine) img_nii.set_qform(new_affine) return img_nii
#### end of utilities for file headers ### resample/reorientation original volumes # Perform the reorientation to ornt_fin of the data array given ornt_init
[docs]def do_reorientation(data_array, init_axcodes, final_axcodes): """ Performs the reorientation (changing order of axes) :param data_array: Array to reorient :param init_axcodes: Initial orientation :param final_axcodes: Target orientation :return data_reoriented: New data array in its reoriented form """ ornt_init = nib.orientations.axcodes2ornt(init_axcodes) ornt_fin = nib.orientations.axcodes2ornt(final_axcodes) if np.array_equal(ornt_init, ornt_fin): return data_array if np.any(np.isnan(ornt_init)) or np.any(np.isnan(ornt_fin)): tf.logging.fatal("unknown axcodes %s, %s", ornt_init, ornt_fin) raise ValueError try: ornt_transf = nib.orientations.ornt_transform(ornt_init, ornt_fin) data_reoriented = nib.orientations.apply_orientation( data_array, ornt_transf) except (ValueError, IndexError): tf.logging.fatal('reorientation undecided %s, %s', ornt_init, ornt_fin) raise ValueError return data_reoriented
# Perform the resampling of the data array given the initial and final pixel # dimensions and the interpolation order # this function assumes the same interp_order for multi-modal images # do we need separate interp_order for each modality?
[docs]def do_resampling(data_array, pixdim_init, pixdim_fin, interp_order): """ Performs the resampling :param data_array: Data array to resample :param pixdim_init: Initial pixel dimension :param pixdim_fin: Targeted pixel dimension :param interp_order: Interpolation order applied :return data_resampled: Array containing the resampled data """ if data_array is None: return if np.array_equal(pixdim_fin, pixdim_init): return data_array try: assert len(pixdim_init) <= len(pixdim_fin) except (TypeError, AssertionError): tf.logging.fatal("unknown pixdim format original %s output %s", pixdim_init, pixdim_fin) raise to_multiply = np.divide(pixdim_init, pixdim_fin[:len(pixdim_init)]) data_shape = data_array.shape if len(data_shape) != 5: raise ValueError("only supports 5D array resampling, " "input shape {}".format(data_shape)) data_resampled = [] for t in range(0, data_shape[3]): data_mod = [] for m in range(0, data_shape[4]): data_new = scipy.ndimage.zoom(data_array[..., t, m], to_multiply[0:3], order=interp_order) data_mod.append(data_new[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) data_resampled.append(np.concatenate(data_mod, axis=-1)) return np.concatenate(data_resampled, axis=-2)
### end of resample/reorientation original volumes
[docs]def save_data_array(filefolder, filename, array_to_save, image_object=None, interp_order=3, reshape=True): """ write image data array to hard drive using image_object properties such as affine, pixdim and axcodes. """ if image_object is not None: affine = image_object.original_affine[0] image_pixdim = image_object.output_pixdim[0] image_axcodes = image_object.output_axcodes[0] dst_pixdim = image_object.original_pixdim[0] dst_axcodes = image_object.original_axcodes[0] else: affine = np.eye(4) image_pixdim, image_axcodes = (), () if reshape: input_ndim = array_to_save.ndim if input_ndim == 1: # feature vector, should be saved with shape (1, 1, 1, 1, mod) while array_to_save.ndim < 5: array_to_save = np.expand_dims(array_to_save, axis=0) elif input_ndim == 2 or input_ndim == 3: # 2D or 3D images should be saved with shape (x, y, z, 1, 1) while array_to_save.ndim < 5: array_to_save = np.expand_dims(array_to_save, axis=-1) elif input_ndim == 4: # recover a time dimension for nifti format output array_to_save = np.expand_dims(array_to_save, axis=3) if image_pixdim: array_to_save = do_resampling( array_to_save, image_pixdim, dst_pixdim, interp_order) if image_axcodes: array_to_save = do_reorientation( array_to_save, image_axcodes, dst_axcodes) save_volume_5d(array_to_save, filename, filefolder, affine)
[docs]def expand_to_5d(img_data): """ Expands an array up to 5d if it is not the case yet :param img_data: :return: """ while img_data.ndim < 5: img_data = np.expand_dims(img_data, axis=-1) return img_data
[docs]def save_volume_5d(img_data, filename, save_path, affine=np.eye(4)): """ Save the img_data to nifti image :param img_data: 5d img to save :param filename: filename under which to save the img_data :param save_path: :param affine: an affine matrix. :return: """ if img_data is None: return touch_folder(save_path) img_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(img_data, affine) # img_nii.set_data_dtype(np.dtype(np.float32)) output_name = os.path.join(save_path, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(output_name): tf.logging.warning( 'File %s exists, overwriting the file.', output_name), output_name) except OSError: tf.logging.fatal("writing failed {}".format(output_name)) raise print('Saved {}'.format(output_name))
[docs]def split_filename(file_name): pth = os.path.dirname(file_name) fname = os.path.basename(file_name) ext = None for special_ext in FILE_EXTENSIONS: ext_len = len(special_ext) if fname[-ext_len:].lower() == special_ext: ext = fname[-ext_len:] fname = fname[:-ext_len] if len(fname) > ext_len else '' break if not ext: fname, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) return pth, fname, ext
[docs]def squeeze_spatial_temporal_dim(tf_tensor): """ Given a tensorflow tensor, ndims==6 means:: [batch, x, y, z, time, modality] this function removes x, y, z, and time dims if the length along the dims is one. :return: squeezed tensor """ if tf_tensor.shape.ndims != 6: return tf_tensor if tf_tensor.shape[4] != 1: raise NotImplementedError("time sequences not currently supported") axis_to_squeeze = [] for (idx, axis) in enumerate(tf_tensor.shape.as_list()): if idx == 0 or idx == 5: continue if axis == 1: axis_to_squeeze.append(idx) return tf.squeeze(tf_tensor, axis=axis_to_squeeze)
[docs]def touch_folder(model_dir): """ This function returns the absolute path of `model_dir` if exists otherwise try to create the folder and returns the absolute path. """ if not os.path.exists(model_dir): try: os.makedirs(model_dir) except (OSError, TypeError): tf.logging.fatal('could not create model folder: %s', model_dir) raise absolute_dir = os.path.abspath(model_dir) #'accessing output folder: {}'.format(absolute_dir)) return absolute_dir
[docs]def resolve_module_dir(module_dir_str, create_new=False): try: # interpret input as a module string module_from_string = importlib.import_module(module_dir_str) folder_path = os.path.dirname(module_from_string.__file__) return os.path.abspath(folder_path) except (ImportError, AttributeError, TypeError): pass try: # interpret last part of input as a module string string_last_part = module_dir_str.rsplit('.', 1) module_from_string = importlib.import_module(string_last_part[-1]) folder_path = os.path.dirname(module_from_string.__file__) return os.path.abspath(folder_path) except (ImportError, AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): pass try: # interpret input as a file folder path string if os.path.isdir(module_dir_str): return os.path.abspath(module_dir_str) except TypeError: pass try: # interpret input as a file path string if os.path.isfile(module_dir_str): return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(module_dir_str)) except TypeError: pass try: # interpret input as a path string relative to the global home from niftynet.utilities.niftynet_global_config import \ NiftyNetGlobalConfig home_location = NiftyNetGlobalConfig().get_niftynet_home_folder() possible_dir = os.path.join(home_location, module_dir_str) if os.path.isdir(possible_dir): return os.path.abspath(possible_dir) except (TypeError, ImportError, AttributeError): pass if create_new: # try to create the folder folder_path = touch_folder(module_dir_str) init_file = os.path.join(folder_path, '') try: file_ =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: tf.logging.fatal( "trying to use '{}' as NiftyNet writing path, " "however cannot write '{}'".format( folder_path, init_file)) raise else: with os.fdopen(file_, 'w') as file_object: file_object.write("# Created automatically\n") return folder_path else: raise ValueError( "Could not resolve [{}].\nMake sure it is a valid folder path " "or a module name.\nIf it is string representing a module, " "the parent folder of [{}] should be on " "the system path.\n\nCurrent system path {}.".format( module_dir_str, module_dir_str, sys.path))
[docs]def to_absolute_path(input_path, model_root): try: if os.path.isabs(input_path): return input_path except TypeError: pass return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(model_root, input_path))
[docs]def resolve_checkpoint(checkpoint_name): # For now only supports checkpoint_name where # checkpoint_name.index is in the file system # eventually will support checkpoint names that can be referenced # in a paths file. if os.path.isfile(checkpoint_name + '.index'): return checkpoint_name home_folder = NiftyNetGlobalConfig().get_niftynet_home_folder() checkpoint_name = to_absolute_path(input_path=checkpoint_name, model_root=home_folder) if os.path.isfile(checkpoint_name + '.index'): return checkpoint_name raise ValueError('Invalid checkpoint {}'.format(checkpoint_name))
[docs]def get_latest_subfolder(parent_folder, create_new=False): parent_folder = touch_folder(parent_folder) try: log_sub_dirs = os.listdir(parent_folder) except OSError: tf.logging.fatal('not a directory {}'.format(parent_folder)) raise OSError log_sub_dirs = [name for name in log_sub_dirs if re.findall('^[0-9]+$', name)] if log_sub_dirs and create_new: latest_id = max([int(name) for name in log_sub_dirs]) log_sub_dir = str(latest_id + 1) elif log_sub_dirs and not create_new: latest_valid_id = max( [int(name) for name in log_sub_dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(parent_folder, name))]) log_sub_dir = str(latest_valid_id) else: log_sub_dir = '0' return os.path.join(parent_folder, log_sub_dir)
def _image3_animated_gif(tag, ims): check_module('PIL') import PIL from PIL.GifImagePlugin import Image as GIF # x=numpy.random.randint(0,256,[10,10,10],numpy.uint8) ims = [np.asarray((ims[i, :, :]).astype(np.uint8)) for i in range(ims.shape[0])] ims = [GIF.fromarray(im) for im in ims] s = b'' for b in PIL.GifImagePlugin.getheader(ims[0])[0]: s += b s += b'\x21\xFF\x0B\x4E\x45\x54\x53\x43\x41\x50' \ b'\x45\x32\x2E\x30\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00' for i in ims: for b in PIL.GifImagePlugin.getdata(i): s += b s += b'\x3B' if IS_PYTHON2: s = str(s) summary_image_str = summary_pb2.Summary.Image( height=10, width=10, colorspace=1, encoded_image_string=s) image_summary = summary_pb2.Summary.Value( tag=tag, image=summary_image_str) return [summary_pb2.Summary(value=[image_summary]).SerializeToString()]
[docs]def image3(name, tensor, max_outputs=3, collections=(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES,), animation_axes=(1,), image_axes=(2, 3), other_indices=None): """ Summary for higher dimensional images Parameters: name: string name for the summary tensor: tensor to summarize. Should be in the range 0..255. By default, assumes tensor is NDHWC, and animates (through D) HxW slices of the 1st channel. collections: list of strings collections to add the summary to animation_axes=[1],image_axes=[2,3] """ if max_outputs == 1: suffix = '/image' else: suffix = '/image/{}' if other_indices is None: other_indices = {} axis_order = [0] + animation_axes + image_axes # slice tensor slicing = [] for i in range(len(tensor.shape)): if i in axis_order: slicing.append(slice(None)) else: other_ind = other_indices.get(i, 0) slicing.append(slice(other_ind, other_ind + 1)) slicing = tuple(slicing) tensor = tensor[slicing] axis_order_all = \ axis_order + [i for i in range(len(tensor.shape.as_list())) if i not in axis_order] original_shape = tensor.shape.as_list() new_shape = [original_shape[0], -1, original_shape[axis_order[-2]], original_shape[axis_order[-1]]] transposed_tensor = tf.transpose(tensor, axis_order_all) transposed_tensor = tf.reshape(transposed_tensor, new_shape) # split images with tf.device('/cpu:0'): for it in range(min(max_outputs, transposed_tensor.shape.as_list()[0])): inp = [name + suffix.format(it), transposed_tensor[it, :, :, :]] summary_op = tf.py_func(_image3_animated_gif, inp, tf.string) for c in collections: tf.add_to_collection(c, summary_op) return summary_op
[docs]def image3_sagittal(name, tensor, max_outputs=3, collections=(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES,)): return image3(name, tensor, max_outputs, collections, [1], [2, 3])
[docs]def image3_coronal(name, tensor, max_outputs=3, collections=(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES,)): return image3(name, tensor, max_outputs, collections, [2], [1, 3])
[docs]def image3_axial(name, tensor, max_outputs=3, collections=(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES,)): return image3(name, tensor, max_outputs, collections, [3], [1, 2])
[docs]def set_logger(file_name=None): tf.logging._logger.handlers = [] tf.logging._logger = log.getLogger('tensorflow') tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) f = log.Formatter(CONSOLE_LOG_FORMAT) std_handler = log.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) std_handler.setFormatter(f) tf.logging._logger.addHandler(std_handler) if file_name: f = log.Formatter(FILE_LOG_FORMAT) file_handler = log.FileHandler(file_name) file_handler.setFormatter(f) tf.logging._logger.addHandler(file_handler)