Source code for niftynet.layer.activation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import tensorflow as tf

from niftynet.layer.base_layer import TrainableLayer
from niftynet.utilities.util_common import look_up_operations

[docs]def prelu(f_in, channelwise_params): pos = tf.nn.relu(f_in) neg = channelwise_params * (f_in - tf.abs(f_in)) * 0.5 return pos + neg
[docs]def selu(x, name): alpha = 1.6732632423543772848170429916717 scale = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946 return scale * tf.where(x >= 0.0, x, alpha * tf.nn.elu(x))
[docs]def leaky_relu(x, name): half_alpha = 0.01 return (0.5 + half_alpha) * x + (0.5 - half_alpha) * abs(x)
SUPPORTED_OP = {'relu': tf.nn.relu, 'relu6': tf.nn.relu6, 'elu': tf.nn.elu, 'softplus': tf.nn.softplus, 'softsign': tf.nn.softsign, 'sigmoid': tf.nn.sigmoid, 'tanh': tf.nn.tanh, 'prelu': prelu, 'selu': selu, 'leakyrelu': leaky_relu, 'dropout': tf.nn.dropout}
[docs]class ActiLayer(TrainableLayer): """ Apply an element-wise non-linear activation function. 'Prelu' uses trainable parameters and those are initialised to zeros Dropout function is also supported """ def __init__(self, func, regularizer=None, name='activation'): self.func = func.lower() self.layer_name = '{}_{}'.format(self.func, name) super(ActiLayer, self).__init__(name=self.layer_name) # these are used for prelu variables self.initializers = {'alpha': tf.constant_initializer(0.0)} self.regularizers = {'alpha': regularizer}
[docs] def layer_op(self, input_tensor, keep_prob=None): func_ = look_up_operations(self.func, SUPPORTED_OP) if self.func == 'prelu': alphas = tf.get_variable( 'alpha', input_tensor.shape[-1], initializer=self.initializers['alpha'], regularizer=self.regularizers['alpha']) output_tensor = func_(input_tensor, alphas) elif self.func == 'dropout': assert keep_prob > 0.0 assert keep_prob <= 1.0 output_tensor = func_(input_tensor, keep_prob=keep_prob, name='dropout') else: output_tensor = func_(input_tensor, name='acti') return output_tensor