Source code for niftynet.layer.crop

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import tensorflow as tf

from niftynet.layer import layer_util
from niftynet.layer.base_layer import Layer

[docs]class CropLayer(Layer): """ This class defines a cropping operation: Removing ``2*border`` pixels from each spatial dim of the input, and return the spatially centred elements extracted from the input. """ def __init__(self, border, name='crop'): super(CropLayer, self).__init__(name=name) self.border = border
[docs] def layer_op(self, inputs): spatial_rank = layer_util.infer_spatial_rank(inputs) offsets = [0] + [int(self.border)] * spatial_rank + [0] # inferring the shape of the output by subtracting the border dimension out_shape = [-1] + [int(d) - 2 * int(self.border) for d in list(inputs.shape)[1:-1]] + [-1] output_tensor = tf.slice(inputs, offsets, out_shape) return output_tensor