Source code for niftynet.utilities.user_parameters_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module mainly defines types and casting methods for input parameters
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import re

from six import string_types

from niftynet.utilities.user_parameters_regex import match_array

TRUE_VALUE = {'yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'}
FALSE_VALUE = {'no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'}

[docs]def str2boolean(string_input): """ convert user input config string to boolean :param string_input: any string in TRUE_VALUE or FALSE_VALUE :return: True or False """ if string_input.lower() in TRUE_VALUE: return True elif string_input.lower() in FALSE_VALUE: return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( 'Boolean value expected, received {}'.format(string_input))
[docs]def int_array(string_input): """ convert input into a tuple of int values :param string_input: :return: """ try: output_tuple = match_array(string_input, 'int') except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( 'array of int expected, received {}'.format(string_input)) return output_tuple
[docs]def float_array(string_input): """ convert input into a tuple of float values :param string_input: :return: """ try: output_tuple = match_array(string_input, 'float') except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( 'array of float expected, received {}'.format(string_input)) return output_tuple
[docs]def str_array(string_input): """ convert input into a tuple of strings :param string_input: :return: """ try: output_tuple = match_array(string_input, 'str') except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "list of strings expected, for each list element the allowed" "characters: [ a-zA-Z0-9_-], but received {}".format(string_input)) return output_tuple
[docs]def make_input_tuple(input_str, element_type=string_types): """ converting input into a tuple of input :param input_str: :param element_type: :return: """ assert input_str, \ "invalid input {} for type {}".format(input_str, element_type) if isinstance(input_str, element_type): new_tuple = (input_str,) else: try: new_tuple = tuple(input_str) except TypeError: raise ValueError("can't cast to tuple of {}".format(element_type)) assert all([isinstance(item, element_type) for item in new_tuple]), \ "the input should be a tuple of {}".format(element_type) return new_tuple
[docs]def standardise_section_name(configparser, old_name): """ rename configparser section This helper is useful when user specifies complex section names """ new_name = standardise_string(old_name) if old_name == new_name: return old_name items = configparser.items(old_name) configparser.add_section(new_name) for (name, value) in items: configparser.set(new_name, name, value) configparser.remove_section(old_name) return new_name
[docs]def standardise_string(input_string): """ to make the user's input consistent replace any characters not in set [0-9a-zA-Z] with underscore _ :param input_string: to be standardised :return: capitalised string """ if not isinstance(input_string, string_types): return input_string new_name = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z_\- ]+', '', input_string.strip()) return new_name
[docs]def has_section_in_config(config, required_custom_section): """ check if section name exists in a config file raises value error if it doesn't exist :param config: :param required_custom_section: :return: """ required_custom_section = standardise_string(required_custom_section) if required_custom_section is not None: user_sections = [standardise_string(section_name) for section_name in config.sections()] if required_custom_section not in user_sections: raise ValueError
[docs]def add_input_name_args(parser, supported_input): """ adding keywords that defines grouping of the input sections (mainly used for multi-modal input specifications) :param parser: :param supported_input: :return: """ for input_name in list(supported_input): parser.add_argument( "--{}".format(input_name), metavar='', help="names of grouping the input sections {}".format(input_name), type=str_array, default=()) return parser
[docs]def spatialnumarray(string_input): """ This function parses a 3-element tuple from a string input if the input has less than 3 elements, the last element is repeated as padding. """ int_tuple = int_array(string_input) while len(int_tuple) < 3: int_tuple = int_tuple + (int_tuple[-1],) int_tuple = int_tuple[:3] return int_tuple
[docs]def spatial_atleast3d(string_input): """ This function parses a 3-element tuple from a string input. The input will be padded with ones, if the length is less than 3. """ output_tuple = int_array(string_input) if len(output_tuple) < 3: # will pad the array with single dimensions output_tuple = output_tuple + (1,) * (3 - len(output_tuple)) return output_tuple