niftynet.engine.application_driver module

This module defines a general procedure for running applications.

Example usage::
app_driver = ApplicationDriver() app_driver.initialise_application(system_param, input_data_param) app_driver.run_application()

system_param and input_data_param should be generated using:

class ApplicationDriver[source]

Bases: object

This class initialises an application by building a TF graph, and maintaining a session and coordinator. It controls the starting/stopping of an application. Applications should be implemented by inheriting niftynet.application.base_application to be compatible with this driver.

pre_train_iter = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7f1d8c60b7d0; 'pre_train_iter'>
post_train_iter = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7f1d8c60b8d0; 'post_train_iter'>
pre_validation_iter = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7f1d8c60b910; 'pre_validation_iter'>
post_validation_iter = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7f1d8c60b950; 'post_validation_iter'>
pre_infer_iter = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7f1d8c60b990; 'pre_infer_iter'>
post_infer_iter = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7f1d8c60b9d0; 'post_infer_iter'>
post_training = <blinker.base.NamedSignal object at 0x7f1d8c60ba10; 'post_training'>
initialise_application(workflow_param, data_param)[source]

This function receives all parameters from user config file, create an instance of application.

  • workflow_param – a dictionary of user parameters, keys correspond to sections in the config file
  • data_param – a dictionary of input image parameters, keys correspond to data properties to be used by image_reader


Initialise a TF graph, connect data sampler and network within the graph context, run training loops or inference loops.

The training loop terminates when self.final_iter reached. The inference loop terminates when there is no more image sample to be processed from image reader.


This generator yields a sequence of training and validation iterations

iter_generator(count_generator, phase)[source]

Generate a numbered sequence of IterationMessage objects with phase-appropriate signals. count_generator is an iterable object yielding iteration numbers phase is one of TRAIN, VALID or INFER

class ConsoleLogger(outputs_collector)[source]

Bases: object

This class handles iteration events to print output to the console


Event handler to add all the console output ops to the iteration message. iter_msg is an IterationMessage object


Event handler to log the console outputs from the iteration message. iter_msg is an IterationMessage object

class ModelSaver(sess, saver, save_every_n, session_prefix)[source]

Bases: object

This class handles iteration events to save the model at regular intervals and at the end of training.


Save the model if the iteration at at the specified interval iter_msg is an IterationMessage object


Save the model regardless of iteration iter_msg is an IterationMessage object

class TensorBoardLogger(outputs_collector, summary_dir, graph, tensorboard_every_n)[source]

Bases: object

This class handles iteration events to log summaries to the TensorBoard log.


Decide whether to save a TensorBoard log entry for a given iteration. iter_msg is an IterationMessage object


Event handler to add all the TensorBoard summaries to the iteration message. iter_msg is an IterationMessage object


Event handler to write the training TensorBoard log entry to disk. iter_msg is an IterationMessage object


Event handler to write the valiation TensorBoard log entry to disk. iter_msg is an IterationMessage object