Source code for niftynet.engine.image_window_dataset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Creating ```` instance for image window sampler.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import inspect

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from import nest
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import GeneratorEnqueuer

from niftynet.engine.image_window import ImageWindow, N_SPATIAL, \
from import squeeze_spatial_temporal_dim
from niftynet.layer.base_layer import Layer
from niftynet.utilities.util_common import look_up_operations

# when total number of window samples are not divisible by batch_size
# the class supports different modes for the final batch
#   'drop': drop the remainder batch
#   'pad': padding the final smaller batch with -1s
#   'dynamic': output the remainder directly (in this case the batch_size
#              is undetermined at 'compile time')
SMALLER_FINAL_BATCH_MODE = {'drop', 'pad', 'dynamic'}

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class ImageWindowDataset(Layer): """ This class creates a ```` instance from a sampler's layer_op function or generator. If ``from_generator``, ``Dataset.from_generator`` interface will be used, ```` interface will be used otherwise:: if the windows are from a image reader, the total number of windows produced will be: `epoch x n_subjects x windows_per_image` if the windows are from a generator, the total number of windows produced will be: "iterations from the generator" x num_threads """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, reader=None, window_sizes=None, batch_size=1, windows_per_image=1, queue_length=10, shuffle=True, epoch=-1, smaller_final_batch_mode='pad', seed=None, name='image_dataset'): Layer.__init__(self, name=name) self._num_threads = 1 self._enqueuer = None self._seed = seed self.dataset = None self.iterator = None self.reader = reader self.batch_size = batch_size self.queue_length = int(max(queue_length, round(batch_size * 5.0))) if self.queue_length > queue_length: tf.logging.warning( 'sampler queue_length should be larger than batch_size, ' 'defaulting to batch_size * 5.0 (%s).', self.queue_length) self.from_generator = inspect.isgeneratorfunction(self.layer_op) self.shuffle = shuffle self.epoch = 1 if self.from_generator else epoch self.smaller_final_batch_mode = look_up_operations( smaller_final_batch_mode.lower(), SMALLER_FINAL_BATCH_MODE) self.n_subjects = 1 self.window = None if reader is not None: self.window = ImageWindow.from_data_reader_properties( reader.input_sources, reader.shapes, reader.tf_dtypes, window_sizes or (-1, -1, -1)) self.n_subjects = reader.num_subjects self.window.n_samples = windows_per_image @property def shapes(self): """ the sampler output (value of ``layer_op``) is:: [windows_per_image, x, y, z, 1, channels] returns a dictionary of sampler output shapes """ assert self.window, 'Unknown output shapes: self.window not initialised' return self.window.shapes @property def tf_shapes(self): """ returns a dictionary of sampler output tensor shapes """ assert self.window, 'Unknown output shapes: self.window not initialised' return self.window.tf_shapes @property def tf_dtypes(self): """ returns a dictionary of sampler output tensorflow dtypes """ assert self.window, 'Unknown output dtypes: self.window not initialised' return self.window.tf_dtypes
[docs] def set_num_threads(self, num_threads): """ Set number windows to generate in parallel. """ self._num_threads = int(num_threads)
[docs] def layer_op(self, idx=None): """ Generating each image as a window. Overriding this function to create new image sampling strategies. This function should either yield or return a dictionary (of multiple windows per image):: return a dictionary: { 'image_name': a numpy array [n_samples, h, w, d, chn], 'image_name_location': [n_samples, 7] } where the 7-element location vector encode the image_id, starting and ending coordinates of the image window. Following the same notation, the dictionary can be extended to multiple modalities; the keys will be:: {'image_name_1', 'image_name_1_location', 'image_name_2', 'image_name_2_location', ...} :param idx: image_id used to load the image at the i-th row of the input :return: a image data dictionary """ image_id, image_data, _ = self.reader(idx=idx) for mod in list(image_data): spatial_shape = image_data[mod].shape[:N_SPATIAL] coords = self.dummy_coordinates(image_id, spatial_shape, 1) image_data[LOCATION_FORMAT.format(mod)] = coords image_data[mod] = image_data[mod][np.newaxis, ...] return image_data
# # The following is a demo of generator as the layer_op # # Often we don't know the total number of elements that # # will be generated, epoch is always 1. # for idx in range(100): # image_id, image_data, _ = self.reader() # for mod in list(image_data): # spatial_shape = image_data[mod].shape[:N_SPATIAL] # coords = self.dummy_coordinates(image_id, spatial_shape, 1) # image_data[LOCATION_FORMAT.format(mod)] = coords # image_data[mod] = image_data[mod][np.newaxis, ...] # yield image_data
[docs] def pop_batch_op(self): """ This function is used when connecting a sampler output to a network. e.g.:: data_dict = self.get_sampler()[0].pop_batch_op(device_id) net_output = net_model(data_dict['image'], is_training) .. caution:: Note it squeezes the output tensor of 6 dims ``[batch, x, y, z, time, modality]`` by removing all dims along which length is one. :return: a dictionary of image window tensors. """ if self.dataset is None or self.iterator is None: # in case `run_threads` is not called, # here we initialise the dataset and iterator self.init_dataset() self.iterator = self.dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() # self.iterator = # self.dataset.output_types, self.dataset.output_shapes) window_output = self.iterator.get_next() for name in window_output: window_output[name] = squeeze_spatial_temporal_dim( window_output[name]) return window_output
[docs] def init_dataset(self): """ Make a window samples dataset from the reader and layer_op. This function sets ``self.dataset``. :return: """ if not self.from_generator: dataset = self._dataset_from_range() else: dataset = self._dataset_from_generator() self.dataset = self.dataset_preprocessing(dataset)
[docs] def dataset_preprocessing(self, dataset): """ dataset: batch and shuffle :param dataset: a `` instance :return: a `` instance """ dataset = dataset.repeat(self.epoch) dataset = dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=self.queue_length) if self.shuffle: # locally shuffle the buffer of image windows dataset = dataset.shuffle( buffer_size=self.queue_length, seed=self._seed) if self.smaller_final_batch_mode == 'drop': # drop the remainder if there's not enough windows to # form a batch, so that we have a fixed batch size. dataset = dataset.apply( batch_size=self.batch_size)) # dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=self.batch_size, # drop_remainder=True) return dataset dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=self.batch_size) if self.smaller_final_batch_mode == 'dynamic' and self.batch_size > 1: return dataset # self.smaller_final_batch_mode is 'pad' # if self.batch_size == 1 no actual padding # but this function will set the output shapes properly. def _pad_batch(batch_size): def _pad_batch_func(input_tensor_dict): """ function to pad the batch dim to `batch_size`. (assuming the input dataset is a dictionary-based one) """ out_dict = {} for in_name in list(input_tensor_dict): in_var = input_tensor_dict[in_name] var_shape = in_var.shape.as_list() if batch_size > 1: paddings = [[0, 0] for _ in in_var.shape] paddings[0][1] = batch_size - tf.shape(in_var)[0] in_var = tf.pad( in_var, paddings, "CONSTANT", constant_values=-1) var_shape[0] = batch_size in_var.set_shape(var_shape) out_dict[in_name] = in_var return out_dict return _pad_batch_func dataset = return dataset
# pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type def _dataset_from_range(self): """ This function maps a dataset of integers to a dataset of images. :return: a `` """ # dataset: a list of integers 'Initialising Dataset from %s subjects...', self.n_subjects) dataset = if self.shuffle: # global shuffle of the entire set of subjects dataset = dataset.shuffle( buffer_size=self.n_subjects, seed=self._seed) # dataset: map each integer i to n windows sampled from subject i def _tf_wrapper(idx): flattened_types = nest.flatten(self.tf_dtypes) flattened_shapes = nest.flatten(self.tf_shapes) flat_values = tf.py_func( func=lambda subject_id: nest.flatten(self(subject_id)), inp=[idx], Tout=flattened_types) for ret_t, shape in zip(flat_values, flattened_shapes): # the actual returned numpy array shapes are not checked ret_t.set_shape(shape) return nest.pack_sequence_as(self.tf_dtypes, flat_values) dataset =, num_parallel_calls=self._num_threads) # dataset: slice the n-element window into n single windows dataset = dataset.flat_map( return dataset def _dataset_from_generator(self): """ Create a `` from a layer_op (as a generator). :return: a `` """'Initialising dataset from generator...') if self._num_threads < 2 or not self.shuffle: window_generator = self else: self._enqueuer = GeneratorEnqueuer( self(), use_multiprocessing=True, wait_time=0.01, seed=self._seed) self._enqueuer.start( workers=self._num_threads, max_queue_size=self.queue_length) window_generator = self._enqueuer.get # dataset from generator dataset = generator=window_generator, output_types=self.tf_dtypes, output_shapes=self.tf_shapes) # dataset: slice the n-element window into n single windows dataset = dataset.flat_map( return dataset
[docs] def run_threads(self, *_args, **_kwargs): """ This function is created for compatibility purposes (Deprecating) :param _args: :param _kwargs: :return: """ pass
# if self.dataset is None or self.iterator is None: # self.init_dataset() # self.iterator = self.dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() # self.iterator = # self.dataset.output_types, self.dataset.output_shapes) # sess = session or tf.get_default_session() # if sess is not None: #
[docs] def close_all(self): """ For compatibility with the queue-based sampler. """ if self._enqueuer is not None: self._enqueuer.stop()
[docs] @classmethod def dummy_coordinates(cls, image_id, image_sizes, n_samples): """ This function returns a set of image window coordinates which are just spatially from 0 to `image_sizes`. :return: a numpy array of `n_samples` spatial coordinates """ starting_coordinates = [0, 0, 0] image_spatial_shape = list(image_sizes[:N_SPATIAL]) coords = [image_id] + starting_coordinates + image_spatial_shape coords = np.tile(np.asarray(coords), [n_samples, 1]) return coords.astype(BUFFER_POSITION_NP_TYPE)