Source code for niftynet.contrib.niftyreg_image_resampling.tests.test_python_wrapper

from niftynet.contrib.niftyreg_image_resampling.niftyreg_image_resampling import NiftyregImageResamplingLayer
from niftynet.contrib.niftyreg_image_resampling.tests.test_resampler import ResamplerTest

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.test as tft

[docs]class WrapperResamplerTest(ResamplerTest): """ Unit test for NiftyregImageResamplingLayer """ INTERPOLATIONS = ((0, 'NEAREST'), (1, 'LINEAR'), (3, 'BSPLINE')) def _test_differential(self, use_gpu, interpolations): for floating in self._get_images(True): floating_data = floating.get_data() nof_dims = len(floating_data.shape) nof_mods = 2 if nof_dims == 3: # 3D test takes forever (at least with debug builds) continue floating_shape = list(floating_data.shape) image_batch_shape = [1] + floating_shape + [nof_mods] disp_batch_shape = [1] + floating_shape + [nof_dims] disp_template \ = self._make_constant_displacement_image(0, 0, floating_data) u = 2.5001 floating_data = np.stack([floating_data]*nof_mods, axis=-1) for m in range(nof_mods): floating_data[...,m] = (1 + m)*floating_data[...,m] for iname in interpolations: d = 1 with self.session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess: img = tf.constant( floating_data.reshape(image_batch_shape), dtype=tf.float32) disp = tf.constant(u, dtype=tf.float32) base_field = tf.constant(disp_template\ .reshape(disp_batch_shape), dtype=tf.float32) disp_field = [] for i in range(nof_dims): if i == d: disp_field.append(base_field[...,i] + disp) else: disp_field.append(base_field[...,i]) disp_field = tf.stack(disp_field, axis=-1) warped = NiftyregImageResamplingLayer(interpolation=iname, boundary='ZERO') warped = warped(img, disp_field) tgrad, refgrad = tft.compute_gradient( disp, (), warped, tuple(image_batch_shape)) error = np.power(tgrad - refgrad, 2).sum() refmag = np.power(refgrad, 2).sum() self.assertLessEqual(error, 1e-2*refmag)
[docs] def test_cpu_differential(self): self._test_differential(False, ('LINEAR', 'BSPLINE'))
[docs] def test_gpu_differential(self): if tft.is_gpu_available(cuda_only=True) and tft.is_built_with_cuda(): self._test_differential(True, ('LINEAR', 'BSPLINE')) else: self.skipTest('No CUDA support available')
[docs] def test_image_gradient(self): for img in self._get_images(True): basedata = img.get_data() imgshape = list(basedata.shape) nof_dims = len(imgshape) for nof_mods in range(1, 3): image_batch_shape = [1] + imgshape + [nof_mods] disp_batch_shape = [1] + imgshape + [nof_dims] multimod_data = [] for j in range(nof_mods): multimod_data.append((j + 1)*basedata) imgdata = np.stack(multimod_data, axis=-1) for _, inter in self.INTERPOLATIONS: for bdy in ('REPLICATE', 'ZERO', 'SYMMETRIC'): u = 3.5001 d = 1 disp = self._make_constant_displacement_image( u, d, imgdata[...,0].reshape(imgshape)) with self.session() as sess: tfimg = tf.constant( imgdata.reshape(image_batch_shape), dtype=tf.float32) tfdisp = tf.constant( disp.reshape(disp_batch_shape), dtype=tf.float32) warped = NiftyregImageResamplingLayer(interpolation=inter, boundary=bdy) warped = warped(tfimg, tfdisp) dummy_cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.pow(warped, 2)) tgrad, refgrad = tft.compute_gradient( tfimg, image_batch_shape, dummy_cost, ()) error = np.power(tgrad - refgrad, 2).sum() refmag = np.power(refgrad, 2).sum() self.assertLessEqual(error, 5e-2*refmag)
def _test_resampling(self, use_gpu): for floating in self._get_images(): floating_data = floating.get_data() nof_dims = len(floating_data.shape) floating_shape = list(floating_data.shape) if floating_shape[-1] == 1: floating_shape = floating_shape[:-1] image_batch_shape = [1] + floating_shape + [1] disp_batch_shape = [1] + floating_shape + [nof_dims] for code, inter in self.INTERPOLATIONS: with self.session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess: img = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=image_batch_shape) disp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=disp_batch_shape) warped = NiftyregImageResamplingLayer(interpolation=inter, boundary='NAN') warped = warped(img, disp) for u in (0.5001, 3.50001): for d in range(nof_dims): displacement_data \ = self._make_constant_displacement_image( u, d, floating_data) resampled_data = warped, feed_dict={ img: floating_data\ .reshape(image_batch_shape), disp: displacement_data\ .reshape(disp_batch_shape), }) resampled_data = resampled_data.reshape(floating_shape) self._test_resampled(resampled_data, floating_data, u, code, d)
[docs] def test_cpu_resampling(self): self._test_resampling(False)
[docs] def test_gpu_resampling(self): if tft.is_gpu_available(cuda_only=True) and tft.is_built_with_cuda(): self._test_resampling(True) else: self.skipTest('No CUDA support available')
if __name__ == '__main__': tft.main()