Source code for niftynet.layer.loss_classification_multi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Loss functions for multi-class classification
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from niftynet.engine.application_factory import LossClassificationMultiFactory
from niftynet.layer.base_layer import Layer
#from niftynet.layer.loss_segmentation import labels_to_one_hot

[docs]class LossFunction(Layer): def __init__(self, n_class, n_rater, loss_type='CrossEntropy', loss_func_params=None, name='loss_function'): super(LossFunction, self).__init__(name=name) self._num_classes = n_class self._num_raters = n_rater if loss_func_params is not None: self._loss_func_params = loss_func_params else: self._loss_func_params = {} self._data_loss_func = None self.make_callable_loss_func(loss_type)
[docs] def make_callable_loss_func(self, type_str): self._data_loss_func = LossClassificationMultiFactory.create(type_str)
[docs] def layer_op(self, pred_ave=None, pred_multi=None, ground_truth=None, weight_batch=None, var_scope=None, ): ''' Compute the losses in the case of a multirater setting :param pred_ave: average of the predictions over the different raters :param pred_multi: prediction for each individual rater :param ground_truth: ground truth classification for each individual rater :param weight_batch: :param var_scope: :return: ''' with tf.device('/cpu:0'): if ground_truth is not None: ground_truth = tf.reshape(ground_truth, [-1, self._num_raters, self._num_classes]) if pred_ave is not None: if not isinstance(pred_ave, (list, tuple)): pred_ave = [pred_ave] if self._num_classes > 0 and pred_ave is not None: # reshape the prediction to [n_voxels , num_classes] pred_ave = [tf.reshape(pred, [-1, self._num_classes]) for pred in pred_ave] if pred_multi is not None and not isinstance(pred_multi, (list, \ tuple)): pred_multi = [pred_multi] if self._num_classes > 0 and pred_multi is not None: pred_multi = [tf.reshape(pred, [-1, self._num_raters, self._num_classes]) for pred in pred_multi] data_loss = [] if ground_truth is not None: if pred_multi is not None: if pred_ave is not None: for pred, pred_mul in zip(pred_ave, pred_multi): if self._loss_func_params: data_loss.append( self._data_loss_func(ground_truth, pred, pred_mul, **self._loss_func_params)) else: data_loss.append(self._data_loss_func( ground_truth, pred, pred_mul)) else: for pred_mul in pred_multi: if self._loss_func_params: data_loss.append( self._data_loss_func(ground_truth, pred_mul, **self._loss_func_params)) else: data_loss.append(self._data_loss_func( ground_truth, pred_mul)) else: for pred in pred_ave: if self._loss_func_params: data_loss.append(self._data_loss_func( pred, ground_truth, **self._loss_func_params)) else: data_loss.append(self._data_loss_func( pred, ground_truth)) elif pred_multi is not None: for pred, pred_mul in zip(pred_ave, pred_multi): if self._loss_func_params: data_loss.append(self._data_loss_func( pred, pred_mul, **self._loss_func_params)) else: data_loss.append(self._data_loss_func( pred, pred_mul)) if weight_batch is not None: return tf.reduce_mean(weight_batch/tf.reduce_sum( weight_batch) * data_loss[0]) else: return tf.reduce_mean(data_loss)
[docs]def labels_to_one_hot(ground_truth, num_classes=1): """ Converts ground truth labels to one-hot, sparse tensors. Used extensively in segmentation losses. :param ground_truth: ground truth categorical labels (rank `N`) :param num_classes: A scalar defining the depth of the one hot dimension (see `depth` of `tf.one_hot`) :return: one-hot sparse tf tensor (rank `N+1`; new axis appended at the end) and the output shape """ # read input/output shapes if isinstance(num_classes, tf.Tensor): num_classes_tf = tf.to_int32(num_classes) else: num_classes_tf = tf.constant(num_classes, tf.int32) input_shape = tf.shape(ground_truth) output_shape = tf.concat( [input_shape, tf.reshape(num_classes_tf, (1,))], 0) if num_classes == 1: # need a sparse representation? print('no need') return tf.reshape(ground_truth, output_shape), output_shape # squeeze the spatial shape ground_truth = tf.reshape(ground_truth, (-1,)) # shape of squeezed output dense_shape = tf.stack([tf.shape(ground_truth)[0], num_classes_tf], 0) dense_shape = tf.Print(tf.cast(dense_shape, tf.int64), [dense_shape, output_shape], message='check_shape_lohe') # create a rank-2 sparse tensor ground_truth = tf.to_int64(ground_truth) ids = tf.range(tf.to_int64(tf.shape(ground_truth)[0]), dtype=tf.int64) ids = tf.stack([ids, ground_truth], axis=1) one_hot = tf.SparseTensor( indices=ids, values=tf.ones_like(ground_truth, dtype=tf.float32), dense_shape=tf.to_int64(dense_shape)) # resume the spatial dims one_hot = tf.sparse_reshape(one_hot, output_shape) return one_hot, output_shape
[docs]def loss_confusion_matrix(ground_truth, pred_multi, num_classes=2, nrater=6): ''' Creates a loss over the two multi rater confusion matrices between the rater :param ground_truth: multi rater classification :param pred_multi: multi rater prediction (1 pred per class for each rater and each observation - A softmax is performed during the loss calculation :param nrater: number of raters :return: integration over the absolute differences between the confusion matrices divided by number of raters ''' one_hot_gt, output_shape = labels_to_one_hot(ground_truth, num_classes) dense_one_hot = tf.reshape(tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(one_hot_gt), output_shape) dense_one_hot = tf.reshape(dense_one_hot, tf.shape(pred_multi)) nclasses=tf.shape(pred_multi)[-1] nn_pred = tf.nn.softmax(pred_multi,-1) error_fin = tf.zeros([nclasses, nclasses]) error_fin = tf.Print(tf.cast(error_fin, tf.float32), [nn_pred, tf.shape( pred_multi)], message='error') nn_pred = tf.Print(tf.cast(nn_pred, tf.float32), [tf.shape( dense_one_hot), nclasses, tf.shape(ground_truth), tf.shape(nn_pred)], message='check_conf') for i in range(0, nrater): for j in range(i+1, nrater): confusion_pred = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(nn_pred[:, i, :]), nn_pred[:, j, :]) confusion_gt = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(dense_one_hot[:, i, :]), dense_one_hot[:, j, :]) error = tf.divide(np.abs(confusion_gt - confusion_pred), tf.cast( tf.shape(ground_truth)[0], tf.float32)) error_fin += error error_fin = tf.Print(tf.cast(error,tf.float32), [tf.reduce_sum( error_fin), tf.reduce_max(error_fin)], message='build_error') return tf.reduce_sum(error_fin)/tf.cast(nrater, tf.float32)
[docs]def variability(pred_multi, num_classes=2, nrater=2): one_hot_gt, output_shape = labels_to_one_hot(tf.cast(pred_multi, tf.int64), num_classes) dense_one_hot = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(one_hot_gt) freq = tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(dense_one_hot, 1), tf.cast(tf.shape( pred_multi)[1],tf.float32)) variability = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(freq), -1) return 1 - variability
[docs]def loss_variability(ground_truth, pred_multi, weight_map=None): one_hot_gt, output_shape = labels_to_one_hot(tf.cast(ground_truth, tf.int64), tf.shape(pred_multi)[-1]) dense_gt = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(one_hot_gt) pred_hard = tf.argmax(pred_multi, -1) one_hot_pred, _ = labels_to_one_hot(tf.cast(pred_hard, tf.int64), tf.shape(pred_multi)[-1]) dense_pred = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(one_hot_pred) freq_pred = tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(dense_pred, 1), tf.cast(tf.shape(pred_multi)[1],tf.float32)) variability_pred = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(freq_pred), -1) freq_gt = tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(dense_gt, 1), tf.cast(tf.shape(pred_multi)[1],tf.float32)) variability_gt = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(freq_gt), -1) diff_square = tf.square(variability_gt-variability_pred) if weight_map is not None: diff_square = weight_map * diff_square loss = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(diff_square)) return loss
[docs]def rmse_consistency(pred_ave, pred_multi, weight_map=None): pred_multi = tf.nn.softmax(pred_multi, -1) pred_multi_ave = tf.reduce_mean(pred_multi, axis=1) pred_multi_ave = tf.Print(tf.cast(pred_multi_ave, tf.float32), [pred_ave[0], pred_multi_ave[0], tf.shape( pred_ave), tf.shape(pred_multi_ave), tf.reduce_max(pred_ave-pred_multi_ave)], message='rmse_test') diff_square = tf.square(pred_ave-pred_multi_ave) if weight_map is not None: diff_square = tf.multiply(weight_map, diff_square) / tf.reduce_sum( weight_map) return tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(diff_square))