Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from collections import namedtuple
import abc

import tensorflow as tf

from niftynet.layer import layer_util
from niftynet.layer.base_layer import TrainableLayer
from niftynet.layer.convolution import ConvolutionalLayer
from niftynet.layer.channel_sparse_convolution \
    import ChannelSparseConvolutionalLayer
from import BNLayer
from niftynet.layer.spatial_transformer import ResamplerLayer
from niftynet.layer.grid_warper import AffineGridWarperLayer

from import BaseNet
from import image3_axial

# Create a structure with all the fields of a DenseVNet network
DenseVNetDesc = namedtuple(
    ['initial_bn', 'initial_conv', 'dense_vblocks', 'seg_layer']

[docs]class DenseVNet(BaseNet): """ implementation of Dense-V-Net: Gibson et al. Automatic multi-organ segmentation on abdominal CT with dense V-networks ### Diagram DFS = Dense Feature Stack Block - Initial image is first downsampled to a given size. - Each DFS+SD outputs a skip link + a downsampled output. - All outputs are upscaled to the initial downsampled size. - If initial prior is given add it to the output prediction. Input | --[ DFS ]-----------------------[ Conv ]------------[ Conv ]------[+]--> | | | | -----[ DFS ]---------------[ Conv ]------ | | | | | -----[ DFS ]-------[ Conv ]--------- | [ Prior ]--- The layer DenseFeatureStackBlockWithSkipAndDownsample layer implements [DFS + Conv + Downsampling] in a single module, and outputs 2 elements: - Skip layer: [ DFS + Conv] - Downsampled output: [ DFS + Down] """ __hyper_params__ = dict( prior_size=12, p_channels_selected=0.5, n_dense_channels=(4, 8, 16), n_seg_channels=(12, 24, 24), n_input_channels=(24, 24, 24), dilation_rates=([1] * 5, [1] * 10, [1] * 10), final_kernel=3, augmentation_scale=0.1 ) __net_params__ = dict( use_bdo=False, use_prior=False, use_dense_connections=True, use_coords=False ) def __init__(self, num_classes, hyperparameters={}, architecture_parameters={}, w_initializer=None, w_regularizer=None, b_initializer=None, b_regularizer=None, acti_func='relu', name='DenseVNet'): super(DenseVNet, self).__init__( num_classes=num_classes, w_initializer=w_initializer, w_regularizer=w_regularizer, b_initializer=b_initializer, b_regularizer=b_regularizer, acti_func=acti_func, name=name) # Override default Hyperparameters self.hyperparameters = dict(self.__hyper_params__) self.hyperparameters.update(hyperparameters) # Check for dilation rates if any([d != 1 for ds in self.hyperparameters['dilation_rates'] for d in ds]): raise NotImplementedError( 'Dilated convolutions are not yet implemented') # Override default architectural parameters self.architecture_parameters = dict(self.__net_params__) self.architecture_parameters.update(architecture_parameters) # Check available modes if self.architecture_parameters['use_dense_connections'] is False: raise NotImplementedError( 'Non-dense connections are not yet implemented') if self.architecture_parameters['use_coords'] is True: raise NotImplementedError( 'Image coordinate augmentation is not yet implemented')
[docs] def create_network(self): hyper = self.hyperparameters # Initial Convolution net_initial_conv = ConvolutionalLayer( hyper['n_input_channels'][0], kernel_size=5, stride=2 ) # Dense Block Params downsample_channels = list(hyper['n_input_channels'][1:]) + [None] num_blocks = len(hyper["n_dense_channels"]) use_bdo = self.architecture_parameters['use_bdo'] # Create DenseBlocks net_dense_vblocks = [] for idx in range(num_blocks): dense_ch = hyper["n_dense_channels"][idx] # Num dense channels seg_ch = hyper["n_seg_channels"][idx] # Num segmentation ch down_ch = downsample_channels[idx] # Num of downsampling ch dil_rate = hyper["dilation_rates"][idx] # Dilation rate # Dense feature block dblock = DenseFeatureStackBlockWithSkipAndDownsample( dense_ch, 3, dil_rate, seg_ch, down_ch, use_bdo, acti_func='relu' ) net_dense_vblocks.append(dblock) # Segmentation net_seg_layer = ConvolutionalLayer( self.num_classes, kernel_size=hyper['final_kernel'], with_bn=False, with_bias=True ) return DenseVNetDesc(initial_bn=BNLayer(), initial_conv=net_initial_conv, dense_vblocks=net_dense_vblocks, seg_layer=net_seg_layer)
[docs] def downsample_input(self, input_tensor, n_spatial_dims): # Initial downsampling params d_size1 = (1,) + (3,) * n_spatial_dims + (1,) d_size2 = (1,) + (2,) * n_spatial_dims + (1,) # Downsample input if n_spatial_dims == 2: return tf.nn.avg_pool(input_tensor, d_size1, d_size2, 'SAME') elif n_spatial_dims == 3: return tf.nn.avg_pool3d(input_tensor, d_size1, d_size2, 'SAME') else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Downsampling only supports 2D and 3D images')
[docs] def layer_op(self, input_tensor, is_training, layer_id=-1): hyper = self.hyperparameters # Initialize DenseVNet network layers net = self.create_network() # # Parameter handling # # Shape and dimension variable shortcuts channel_dim = len(input_tensor.shape) - 1 input_size = input_tensor.shape.as_list() spatial_size = input_size[1:-1] n_spatial_dims = input_tensor.shape.ndims - 2 # Quick access to hyperparams pkeep = hyper['p_channels_selected'] # Validate input dimension with dilation rates modulo = 2 ** (len(hyper['dilation_rates'])) assert layer_util.check_spatial_dims(input_tensor, lambda x: x % modulo == 0) # # Augmentation + Downsampling + Initial Layers # # On the fly data augmentation if is_training and hyper['augmentation_scale'] > 0: if n_spatial_dims == 2: augmentation_class = Affine2DAugmentationLayer elif n_spatial_dims == 3: augmentation_class = Affine3DAugmentationLayer else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Affine augmentation only supports 2D and 3D images') augment_layer = augmentation_class(hyper['augmentation_scale'], 'LINEAR', 'ZERO') input_tensor = augment_layer(input_tensor) # Variable storing all intermediate results -- VLinks all_segmentation_features = [] # Downsample input to the network down_tensor = self.downsample_input(input_tensor, n_spatial_dims) downsampled_img = net.initial_bn(down_tensor, is_training=is_training) # Add initial downsampled image VLink all_segmentation_features.append(downsampled_img) # All results should match the downsampled input's shape output_shape = downsampled_img.shape.as_list()[1:-1] init_features = net.initial_conv(input_tensor, is_training=is_training) # # Dense VNet Main Block # # `down` will handle the input of each Dense VNet block # Initialize it by stacking downsampled image and initial conv features down = tf.concat([downsampled_img, init_features], channel_dim) # Process Dense VNet Blocks for dblock in net.dense_vblocks: # Get skip layer and activation output skip, down = dblock(down, is_training=is_training, keep_prob=pkeep) # Resize skip layer to original shape and add VLink skip = image_resize(skip, output_shape) all_segmentation_features.append(skip) # Concatenate all intermediate skip layers inter_results = tf.concat(all_segmentation_features, channel_dim) # Initial segmentation output seg_output = net.seg_layer(inter_results, is_training=is_training) # # Dense VNet End - Now postprocess outputs # # Refine segmentation with prior if any if self.architecture_parameters['use_prior']: xyz_prior = SpatialPriorBlock([12] * n_spatial_dims, output_shape) seg_output += xyz_prior # Invert augmentation if any if is_training and hyper['augmentation_scale'] > 0: inverse_aug = augment_layer.inverse() seg_output = inverse_aug(seg_output) # Resize output to original size seg_output = image_resize(seg_output, spatial_size) # Segmentation results seg_argmax = tf.to_float(tf.expand_dims(tf.argmax(seg_output, -1), -1)) seg_summary = seg_argmax * (255. / self.num_classes - 1) # Image Summary norm_axes = list(range(1, n_spatial_dims+1)) mean, var = tf.nn.moments(input_tensor, axes=norm_axes, keep_dims=True) timg = tf.to_float(input_tensor - mean) / (tf.sqrt(var) * 2.) timg = (timg + 1.) * 127. single_channel = tf.reduce_mean(timg, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) img_summary = tf.minimum(255., tf.maximum(0., single_channel)) if n_spatial_dims == 2: tf.summary.image( tf.get_default_graph().unique_name('imgseg'), tf.concat([img_summary, seg_summary], 1), 5, [tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES]) elif n_spatial_dims == 3: # Show summaries image3_axial( tf.get_default_graph().unique_name('imgseg'), tf.concat([img_summary, seg_summary], 1), 5, [tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES]) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Image Summary only supports 2D and 3D images') return seg_output
[docs]def image_resize(image, output_size): input_size = image.shape.as_list() spatial_rank = len(input_size) - 2 if all([o == i for o, i in zip(output_size, input_size[1:-1])]): return image if spatial_rank == 2: return tf.image.resize_images(image, output_size) first_reshape = tf.reshape(image, input_size[0:3] + [-1]) first_resize = tf.image.resize_images(first_reshape, output_size[0:2]) second_shape = input_size[:1] + [output_size[0] * output_size[1], input_size[3], -1] second_reshape = tf.reshape(first_resize, second_shape) second_resize = tf.image.resize_images(second_reshape, [second_shape[1], output_size[2]]) final_shape = input_size[:1] + output_size + input_size[-1:] return tf.reshape(second_resize, final_shape)
[docs]class SpatialPriorBlock(TrainableLayer): def __init__(self, prior_shape, output_shape, name='spatial_prior_block'): super(SpatialPriorBlock, self).__init__(name=name) self.prior_shape = prior_shape self.output_shape = output_shape
[docs] def layer_op(self): # The internal representation is probabilities so # that resampling makes sense prior = tf.get_variable('prior', shape=self.prior_shape, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1)) return tf.log(image_resize(prior, self.output_shape))
DenseFSBlockDesc = namedtuple('DenseFSDesc', ['conv_layers'])
[docs]class DenseFeatureStackBlock(TrainableLayer): """ Dense Feature Stack Block - Stack is initialized with the input from above layers. - Iteratively the output of convolution layers is added to the stack. - Each sequential convolution is performed over all the previous stacked channels. Diagram example: stack = [Input] stack = [stack, conv(stack)] stack = [stack, conv(stack)] stack = [stack, conv(stack)] ... Output = [stack, conv(stack)] """ def __init__(self, n_dense_channels, kernel_size, dilation_rates, use_bdo, name='dense_feature_stack_block', **kwargs): super(DenseFeatureStackBlock, self).__init__(name=name) self.n_dense_channels = n_dense_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.dilation_rates = dilation_rates self.use_bdo = use_bdo self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def create_block(self): net_conv_layers = [] for _ in self.dilation_rates: if self.use_bdo: conv = ChannelSparseConvolutionalLayer( self.n_dense_channels, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, **self.kwargs ) else: conv = ConvolutionalLayer(self.n_dense_channels, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, **self.kwargs) net_conv_layers.append(conv) return DenseFSBlockDesc(conv_layers=net_conv_layers)
[docs] def layer_op(self, input_tensor, is_training=None, keep_prob=None): # Initialize FeatureStackBlocks block = self.create_block() stack = [input_tensor] channel_dim = len(input_tensor.shape) - 1 input_mask = tf.ones([input_tensor.shape.as_list()[-1]]) > 0 # Stack all convolution outputs for idx, conv in enumerate(block.conv_layers): if idx == len(self.dilation_rates) - 1: keep_prob = None # no dropout on last layer of the stack if self.use_bdo: conv, new_input_mask = conv(tf.concat(stack, channel_dim), input_mask=input_mask, is_training=is_training, keep_prob=keep_prob) input_mask = tf.concat([input_mask, new_input_mask], 0) else: conv = conv(tf.concat(stack, channel_dim), is_training=is_training, keep_prob=keep_prob) stack.append(conv) return stack
DenseSDBlockDesc = namedtuple('DenseSDBlock', ['dense_fstack', 'conv', 'down'])
[docs]class DenseFeatureStackBlockWithSkipAndDownsample(TrainableLayer): """ Dense Feature Stack with Skip Layer and Downsampling - Downsampling is done through strided convolution. ---[ DenseFeatureStackBlock ]----------[ Conv ]------- Skip layer | -------------------- Downsampled Output See DenseFeatureStackBlock for more info. """ def __init__(self, n_dense_channels, kernel_size, dilation_rates, n_seg_channels, n_downsample_channels, use_bdo, name='dense_feature_stack_block', **kwargs): super(DenseFeatureStackBlockWithSkipAndDownsample, self).__init__(name=name) self.n_dense_channels = n_dense_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.dilation_rates = dilation_rates self.n_seg_channels = n_seg_channels self.n_downsample_channels = n_downsample_channels self.use_bdo = use_bdo self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def create_block(self): net_dense_fstack = DenseFeatureStackBlock( self.n_dense_channels, self.kernel_size, self.dilation_rates, self.use_bdo, **self.kwargs ) net_conv = ConvolutionalLayer( self.n_seg_channels, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, **self.kwargs ) net_down = None if self.n_downsample_channels is not None: net_down = ConvolutionalLayer(self.n_downsample_channels, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, stride=2, **self.kwargs) return DenseSDBlockDesc(dense_fstack=net_dense_fstack, conv=net_conv, down=net_down)
[docs] def layer_op(self, input_tensor, is_training=None, keep_prob=None): # Current block model block = self.create_block() # Dense Feature Stack stack = block.dense_fstack(input_tensor, is_training=is_training, keep_prob=keep_prob) all_features = tf.concat(stack, len(input_tensor.shape) - 1) # Output Convolution seg = block.conv(all_features, is_training=is_training, keep_prob=keep_prob) # Downsample if needed down = None if block.down is not None: down = block.down(all_features, is_training=is_training, keep_prob=keep_prob) return seg, down
[docs]class AffineAugmentationLayer(TrainableLayer): """ This layer applies a small random (per-iteration) affine transformation to an image. The distribution of transformations generally results in scaling the image up, with minimal sampling outside the original image.""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] def __init__(self, scale, interpolation, boundary, transform_func=None, name='AffineAugmentation'): """" scale denotes how extreme the perturbation is, with 1. meaning no perturbation and 0.5 giving larger perturbations. interpolation denotes the image value interpolation used by the resampling boundary denotes the boundary handling used by the resampling transform_func should be a function returning a relative transformation (mapping <-1..1,-1..1,-1..1> to <-1..1,-1..1,-1..1> or <-1..1,-1..1> to <-1..1,-1..1>)""" super(AffineAugmentationLayer, self).__init__(name=name) self.scale = scale if transform_func is None: self.transform_func = self.random_transform else: self.transform_func = transform_func self._transform = None self.interpolation = interpolation self.boundary = boundary
[docs] def random_transform(self, batch_size): if self._transform is None: corners_ = self.get_corners() _batch_ones = tf.ones([batch_size, len(corners_[0]), 1]) corners = tf.tile(corners_, [batch_size, 1, 1]) random_size = [batch_size, len(corners_[0]), len(corners_[0][0])] random_scale = tf.random_uniform(random_size, 0, self.scale) corners2 = corners * (1 - random_scale) corners_homog = tf.concat([corners, _batch_ones], 2) corners2_homog = tf.concat([corners2, _batch_ones], 2) _transform = tf.matrix_solve_ls(corners_homog, corners2_homog) self._transform = tf.transpose(_transform, [0, 2, 1]) return self._transform
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, batch_size): return tf.matrix_inverse(self.transform_func(batch_size))
[docs] def layer_op(self, input_tensor): size = input_tensor.shape.as_list() grid_warper = AffineGridWarperLayer(size[1:-1], size[1:-1]) resampler = ResamplerLayer(interpolation=self.interpolation, boundary=self.boundary) relative_transform = self.transform_func(size[0]) to_relative = tf.tile(self.get_tfm_to_relative(size), [size[0], 1, 1]) from_relative = tf.matrix_inverse(to_relative) voxel_transform = tf.matmul(from_relative, tf.matmul(relative_transform, to_relative)) dims = self.spatial_dims warp_parameters = tf.reshape(voxel_transform[:, 0:dims, 0:dims + 1], [size[0], dims * (dims + 1)]) grid = grid_warper(warp_parameters) return resampler(input_tensor, grid)
[docs] def inverse(self, interpolation=None, boundary=None): if interpolation is None: interpolation = self.interpolation if boundary is None: boundary = self.boundary return self.__class__(self.scale, interpolation, boundary, self.inverse_transform)
@abc.abstractproperty def spatial_dims(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_corners(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_tfm_to_relative(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Affine2DAugmentationLayer(AffineAugmentationLayer): """ Specialization of AffineAugmentationLayer for 2D coordinates """ spatial_dims = 2
[docs] def get_corners(self): return [[[-1., -1.], [-1., 1.], [1., -1.], [1., 1.]]]
[docs] def get_tfm_to_relative(self, size): return [[[2./(size[1]-1), 0., -1.], [0., 2. / (size[2] - 1), -1.], [0., 0., 1.]]]
[docs]class Affine3DAugmentationLayer(AffineAugmentationLayer): """ Specialization of AffineAugmentationLayer for 3D coordinates """ spatial_dims = 3
[docs] def get_corners(self): return [[[-1., -1., -1.], [-1., -1., 1.], [-1., 1., -1.], [-1., 1., 1.], [1., -1., -1.], [1., -1., 1.], [1., 1., -1.], [1., 1., 1.]]]
[docs] def get_tfm_to_relative(self, size): return [[[2./(size[1]-1), 0., 0., -1.], [0., 2. / (size[2] - 1), 0., -1.], [0., 0., 2. / (size[3] - 1), -1.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]]