Source code for niftynet.contrib.sampler_pairwise.sampler_pairwise_uniform_csv

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
#from import Dataset

from niftynet.engine.image_window import ImageWindow
from niftynet.layer.base_layer import Layer
from niftynet.layer.grid_warper import AffineGridWarperLayer
from niftynet.layer.resampler import ResamplerLayer
from niftynet.layer.linear_resize import LinearResizeLayer as Resize
#from niftynet.layer.approximated_smoothing import SmoothingLayer as Smooth

[docs]class PairwiseUniformSampler(Layer): def __init__(self, reader_0, reader_1, data_param, batch_size=1): Layer.__init__(self, name='pairwise_sampler_uniform') # reader for the fixed images self.reader_0 = reader_0 # reader for the moving images self.reader_1 = reader_1 # TODO: # 0) check the readers should have the same length file list # 1) detect window shape mismatches or defaulting # windows to the fixed image reader properties # 2) reshape images to (supporting multi-modal data) # [batch, x, y, channel] or [batch, x, y, z, channels] # 3) infer spatial rank # 4) make ``label`` optional self.batch_size = batch_size self.spatial_rank = 3 self.window = ImageWindow.from_data_reader_properties( self.reader_0.input_sources, self.reader_0.shapes, self.reader_0.tf_dtypes, data_param) if self.window.has_dynamic_shapes: tf.logging.fatal('Dynamic shapes not supported.\nPlease specify ' 'all spatial dims of the input data, for the ' 'spatial_window_size parameter.') raise NotImplementedError # TODO: check spatial dims the same across input modalities self.image_shape = \ self.reader_0.shapes['fixed_image'][:self.spatial_rank] self.moving_image_shape = \ self.reader_1.shapes['moving_image'][:self.spatial_rank] self.window_size = self.window.shapes['fixed_image'][1:] # initialise a dataset prefetching pairs of image and label volumes n_subjects = len(self.reader_0.output_list) rand_ints = np.random.randint(n_subjects, size=[n_subjects]) image_dataset = # mapping random integer id to 4 volumes moving/fixed x image/label # tf.py_func wrapper of ``get_pairwise_inputs`` image_dataset = lambda image_id: tuple(tf.py_func( self.get_pairwise_inputs, [image_id], [tf.int64, tf.float32, tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.int32])), num_parallel_calls=4) # supported by tf 1.4? image_dataset = image_dataset.repeat() # num_epochs can be param image_dataset = image_dataset.shuffle( buffer_size=self.batch_size * 20) image_dataset = image_dataset.batch(self.batch_size) self.iterator = image_dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
[docs] def get_pairwise_inputs(self, image_id): # fetch fixed image fixed_inputs = [] fixed_inputs.append(self._get_image('fixed_image', image_id)[0]) fixed_inputs.append(self._get_image('fixed_label', image_id)[0]) fixed_inputs = np.concatenate(fixed_inputs, axis=-1) fixed_shape = np.asarray(fixed_inputs.shape).T.astype(np.int32) # fetch moving image moving_inputs = [] moving_inputs.append(self._get_image('moving_image', image_id)[0]) moving_inputs.append(self._get_image('moving_label', image_id)[0]) moving_inputs = np.concatenate(moving_inputs, axis=-1) moving_shape = np.asarray(moving_inputs.shape).T.astype(np.int32) return image_id, fixed_inputs, moving_inputs, fixed_shape, moving_shape
def _get_image(self, image_source_type, image_id): # returns a random image from either the list of fixed images # or the list of moving images try: image_source_type = image_source_type.decode() except AttributeError: pass if image_source_type.startswith('fixed'): _, data, _ = self.reader_0(idx=image_id) else: # image_source_type.startswith('moving'): _, data, _ = self.reader_1(idx=image_id) image = np.asarray(data[image_source_type]).astype(np.float32) image_shape = list(image.shape) image = np.reshape(image, image_shape[:self.spatial_rank] + [-1]) image_shape = np.asarray(image.shape).astype(np.int32) return image, image_shape
[docs] def layer_op(self): """ This function concatenate image and label volumes at the last dim and randomly cropping the volumes (also the cropping margins) """ image_id, fixed_inputs, moving_inputs, fixed_shape, moving_shape = \ self.iterator.get_next() # TODO preprocessing layer modifying # image shapes will not be supported # assuming the same shape across modalities, using the first image_id.set_shape((self.batch_size,)) image_id = tf.to_float(image_id) fixed_inputs.set_shape( (self.batch_size,) + (None,) * self.spatial_rank + (2,)) # last dim is 1 image + 1 label moving_inputs.set_shape( (self.batch_size,) + self.moving_image_shape + (2,)) fixed_shape.set_shape((self.batch_size, self.spatial_rank + 1)) moving_shape.set_shape((self.batch_size, self.spatial_rank + 1)) # resizing the moving_inputs to match the target # assumes the same shape across the batch target_spatial_shape = \ tf.unstack(fixed_shape[0], axis=0)[:self.spatial_rank] moving_inputs = Resize(new_size=target_spatial_shape)(moving_inputs) combined_volume = tf.concat([fixed_inputs, moving_inputs], axis=-1) # smoothing_layer = Smoothing( # sigma=1, truncate=3.0, type_str='gaussian') # combined_volume = tf.unstack(combined_volume, axis=-1) # combined_volume[0] = tf.expand_dims(combined_volume[0], axis=-1) # combined_volume[1] = smoothing_layer( # tf.expand_dims(combined_volume[1]), axis=-1) # combined_volume[2] = tf.expand_dims(combined_volume[2], axis=-1) # combined_volume[3] = smoothing_layer( # tf.expand_dims(combined_volume[3]), axis=-1) # combined_volume = tf.stack(combined_volume, axis=-1) # TODO affine data augmentation here if self.spatial_rank == 3: window_channels =[self.spatial_rank:]) * 4 # TODO if no affine augmentation: img_spatial_shape = target_spatial_shape win_spatial_shape = [tf.constant(dim) for dim in self.window_size[:self.spatial_rank]] # when img==win make sure shift => 0.0 # otherwise interpolation is out of bound batch_shift = [ tf.random_uniform( shape=(self.batch_size, 1), minval=0, maxval=tf.maximum(tf.to_float(img - win - 1), 0.01)) for (win, img) in zip(win_spatial_shape, img_spatial_shape)] batch_shift = tf.concat(batch_shift, axis=1) affine_constraints = ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, None), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, None), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, None)) computed_grid = AffineGridWarperLayer( source_shape=(None, None, None), output_shape=self.window_size[:self.spatial_rank], constraints=affine_constraints)(batch_shift) computed_grid.set_shape((self.batch_size,) + self.window_size[:self.spatial_rank] + (self.spatial_rank,)) resampler = ResamplerLayer( interpolation='linear', boundary='replicate') windows = resampler(combined_volume, computed_grid) out_shape = [self.batch_size] + \ list(self.window_size[:self.spatial_rank]) + \ [window_channels] windows.set_shape(out_shape) image_id = tf.reshape(image_id, (self.batch_size, 1)) start_location = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, self.spatial_rank)) locations = tf.concat([ image_id, start_location, batch_shift], axis=1) return windows, locations
# return windows, [tf.reduce_max(computed_grid), batch_shift] # overriding input buffers
[docs] def run_threads(self, session, *args, **argvs): """ To be called at the beginning of running graph variables """ return
[docs] def close_all(self): # do nothing pass