Source code for niftynet.evaluation.region_properties

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import numpy as np
import as ma
import math
import scipy.stats.mstats as mstats
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

from niftynet.utilities.util_common import MorphologyOps, CacheFunctionOutput

[docs]class RegionProperties(object): """This class enables the extraction of image features (Harilick features) and basic statistics over a segmentation""" def __init__(self, seg, img, measures, num_neighbors=6, threshold=0, pixdim=(1, 1, 1)): self.seg = seg self.bin = 100 self.mul = 100 self.trans = 0 self.img = img self.img_channels = self.img.shape[4] if img.ndim >= 4 else 1 img_id = range(0, self.img_channels) self.neigh = num_neighbors self.harilick_m = np.atleast_2d(self.harilick_matrix()) self.m_dict = { 'centre of mass': (self.centre_of_mass, ['CoMx', 'CoMy', 'CoMz']), 'volume': (self.volume, ['NVoxels', 'NVoxelsBinary', 'Vol', 'VolBinary']), 'surface': (self.surface, ['NSurface', 'NSurfaceBinary', 'SurfaceVol', 'SurfaceVolBinary']), 'surface volume ratio': (self.sav, ['SAVNumb', 'SAVNumBinary', 'SAV', 'SAVBinary']), 'compactness': (self.compactness, ['CompactNumb', 'CompactNumbBinary', 'Compactness', 'CompactnessBinary']), 'mean': (self.mean_, ['Mean_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'weighted_mean': (self.weighted_mean_, ['Weighted_mean_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'median': (self.median_, ['Median_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'skewness': (self.skewness_, ['Skewness_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'kurtosis': (self.kurtosis_, ['Kurtosis_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'min': (self.min_, ['Min_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'max': (self.max_, ['Max_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'quantile_25': (self.quantile_25, ['P25_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'quantile_50': (self.median_, ['P50_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'quantile_75': (self.quantile_75, ['P75_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'std': (self.std_, ['STD_%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'asm': (self.call_asm, ['asm%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'contrast': (self.call_contrast, ['contrast%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'correlation': (self.call_correlation, ['correlation%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'sumsquare': (self.call_sum_square, ['sumsquare%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'sum_average': (self.call_sum_average, ['sum_average%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'idifferentmomment': (self.call_idifferent_moment, ['idifferentmomment%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'sumentropy': (self.call_sum_entropy, ['sumentropy%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'entropy': (self.call_entropy, ['entropy%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'differencevariance': (self.call_difference_variance, ['differencevariance%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'differenceentropy': (self.call_difference_entropy, ['differenceentropy%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'sumvariance': (self.call_sum_variance, ['sumvariance%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'imc1': (self.call_imc1, ['imc1%d' % i for i in img_id]), 'imc2': (self.call_imc2, ['imc2%d' % i for i in img_id]) } self.measures = measures self.pixdim = pixdim self.threshold = threshold if self.seg is not None: self.masked_img, self.masked_seg = self.__compute_mask() self.vol_vox = def __compute_mask(self): # TODO: check whether this works for probabilities type_str foreground_selector = np.where((self.seg > 0).reshape(-1))[0] probs = self.seg.reshape(-1)[foreground_selector] regions = np.zeros((foreground_selector.shape[0], self.img_channels)) for i in np.arange(self.img_channels): regions[:, i] = self.img[..., 0, i].reshape(-1)[foreground_selector] return regions, probs
[docs] def centre_of_mass(self): """ Calculates the centre of mass of the segmentation using the threshold to binarise the initial map :return: """ return np.mean(np.argwhere(self.seg > self.threshold), 0)
@CacheFunctionOutput def volume(self): """ this calculates the integral of the segmentation (probability maps), the corresponding binary number of elements, the probabilistic volume and the binarised volume :return: """ numb_seg = np.sum(self.seg) numb_seg_bin = np.sum(self.seg > 0) return numb_seg, numb_seg_bin, \ numb_seg * self.vol_vox, numb_seg_bin * self.vol_vox @CacheFunctionOutput def surface(self): """ Similarly to the volume function, returns probabilistic sum, binary number, probabilistic volume and binarised volume of the segmentation border :return: """ border_seg = MorphologyOps(self.seg, self.neigh).border_map() numb_border_seg_bin = np.sum(border_seg > 0) numb_border_seg = np.sum(border_seg) return numb_border_seg, numb_border_seg_bin, \ numb_border_seg * self.vol_vox, numb_border_seg_bin * self.vol_vox
[docs] def glcm(self): """ Creation of the grey level co-occurrence matrix. The neighbourhood distance is set to 1 in this instance. All neighborhood shifts are calculated for each modality :return: multi_mod_glcm list of m (number of modalities) matrices of size bin x bin x neigh """ shifts = [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1], [1, 1, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, -1, -1], [0, -1, 1], [0, 1, -1], [1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, -1], [-1, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [1, -1, -1]] bins = np.arange(0, self.bin) multi_mod_glcm = [] if self.seg is None: return None for m in range(0, self.img.shape[4]): shifted_image = [] for n in range(0, self.neigh + 1): new_img = self.seg * self.img[:, :, :, 0, m] print(np.max(self.img), 'is max img') new_img = ndimage.shift(new_img, shifts[n], order=0) print(np.max(self.seg), 'is max shift') if np.count_nonzero(new_img) > 0: flattened_new = new_img.flatten() flattened_seg = self.seg.flatten() affine = np.round(flattened_new * self.mul + self.trans) # select = [round(flattened_new[i] * self.mul+self.trans) for i in # range(0, new_img.size) if # flattened_seg[i]>0] select_new = np.digitize(affine[flattened_seg == 1], bins) select_new[select_new >= self.bin] = self.bin - 1 print(np.max(select_new), ' is max bin', np.max(affine)) shifted_image.append(select_new) glcm = np.zeros([self.bin, self.bin, self.neigh]) for n in range(0, self.neigh): for i in range(0, shifted_image[0].size): glcm[shifted_image[0][i], shifted_image[n + 1][i], n] += 1 glcm[:, :, n] = glcm[:, :, n] / np.sum(glcm[:, :, n]) multi_mod_glcm.append(glcm) return multi_mod_glcm
[docs] def harilick_matrix(self): """ this function populates the matrix of harilick features for each image modality and neighborhood shift and average over the neighbours :return: """ multi_mod_glcm = self.glcm() matrix_harilick = np.zeros([13, self.neigh, self.img_channels]) if multi_mod_glcm is None: return np.average(matrix_harilick, axis=1) for i in range(0, self.img_channels): for j in range(0, self.neigh): matrix = multi_mod_glcm[i][..., j] harilick_vector = self.harilick(matrix) for index, elem in enumerate(harilick_vector): matrix_harilick[index, j, i] = elem return np.average(matrix_harilick, axis=1)
[docs] def call_asm(self): """ Extracts the angular second moment features from the harilick matrix of features. Length of the output is the number of modalities :return: """ return self.harilick_m[0, :]
[docs] def call_contrast(self): """ Extracts the contrast feature from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[1, :]
[docs] def call_correlation(self): """ Extracts the correlation feature from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[2, :]
[docs] def call_sum_square(self): """ Extracts the sum square feature from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[3, :]
[docs] def call_sum_average(self): """ Extracts the sum average feature from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[4, :]
[docs] def call_idifferent_moment(self): """ Extracts the inverse difference of moment feature from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[5, :]
[docs] def call_sum_entropy(self): """ Extracts the sum entropy features from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[6, :]
[docs] def call_entropy(self): """ Extracts the entropy features from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[7, :]
[docs] def call_difference_variance(self): """ Extracts the difference variance from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[8, :]
[docs] def call_difference_entropy(self): """ Extracts the difference entropy features from the harilic matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[9, :]
[docs] def call_sum_variance(self): """ Extracts the difference entropy features from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[10, :]
[docs] def call_imc1(self): """ Extracts the first information measure of correlation from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[11, :]
[docs] def call_imc2(self): """ Extracts the second information measure of correlation from the harilick matrix of features :return: """ return self.harilick_m[12, :]
[docs] def harilick(self, matrix): """ Creates the vector of harilick features for one glcm matrix. Definition of the Harilick features can be found in Textural features for image classification Robert Harilick K, Shanmugam and Its'Hak Dinstein in IEEE Transactions on systems, man and cybernetics Vol SMC-3 issue 6 pp610-621 :param matrix: glcm matrix on which to calculates the Harilick features :return: """ vector_harilick = [] asm = self.angular_second_moment(matrix) contrast = self.contrast(matrix) correlation = self.correlation(matrix) sum_square = self.sum_square_variance(matrix) sum_average = self.sum_average(matrix) idifferentmomment = self.inverse_difference_moment(matrix) sum_entropy = self.sum_entropy(matrix) entropy = self.entropy(matrix) differencevariance, differenceentropy = \ self.difference_variance_entropy(matrix) sum_variance = self.sum_variance(matrix) imc1, imc2 = self.information_measure_correlation(matrix) vector_harilick.append(asm) vector_harilick.append(contrast) vector_harilick.append(correlation) vector_harilick.append(sum_square) vector_harilick.append(sum_average) vector_harilick.append(idifferentmomment) vector_harilick.append(sum_entropy) vector_harilick.append(entropy) vector_harilick.append(differencevariance) vector_harilick.append(differenceentropy) vector_harilick.append(sum_variance) vector_harilick.append(imc1) vector_harilick.append(imc2) return vector_harilick
[docs] def angular_second_moment(self, matrix): """ Calculates the angular second moment :param matrix: :return: """ asm = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): asm += matrix[i, j] ** 2 return asm
[docs] def contrast(self, matrix): """ Calculates the angular second moment :param matrix: :return: """ contrast = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[1]): contrast += (j - i) ** 2 * matrix[i, j] return contrast
[docs] def homogeneity(self, matrix): """ Calculates the homogeneity over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ homogeneity = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[1]): homogeneity += matrix[i, j] / (1 - abs(i - j)) return homogeneity
[docs] def energy(self, matrix): """ Calculates the energy over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ energy = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): energy += matrix[i, j] ** 2 return energy
[docs] def entropy(self, matrix): """ Calculates the entropy over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ entropy = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): if matrix[i, j] > 0: entropy += matrix[i, j] * math.log(matrix[i, j]) return entropy
[docs] def correlation(self, matrix): """ Calculates the correlation over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ range_values = np.arange(0, matrix.shape[0]) matrix_range = np.tile(range_values, [matrix.shape[0], 1]) mean_matrix = np.sum(matrix_range * matrix, axis=0) sd_matrix = np.sqrt(np.sum((matrix_range - np.tile(mean_matrix, [matrix.shape[ 0], 1])) ** 2 * matrix, axis=0)) correlation = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): if sd_matrix[i] > 0 and sd_matrix[j] > 0: correlation += (i * j * matrix[i, j] - mean_matrix[i] * mean_matrix[ j]) / (sd_matrix[i] * sd_matrix[j]) return correlation
[docs] def inverse_difference_moment(self, matrix): """ Calculates the inverse difference moment over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ idm = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): idm += 1.0 / (1 + (i - j) ** 2) * matrix[i, j] return idm
[docs] def sum_average(self, matrix): """ Calculates the sum average over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ sa = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): sa += (i + j) * matrix[i, j] return sa
[docs] def sum_entropy(self, matrix): """ Calculates the sum entropy over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ se = 0 matrix_bis = np.zeros([2 * matrix.shape[0]]) for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): matrix_bis[i + j] += matrix[i, j] for v in matrix_bis: if v > 0: se += v * math.log(v) return se
[docs] def sum_variance(self, matrix): """ Calculates the sum variance over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ sv = 0 se = self.sum_entropy(matrix) matrix_bis = np.zeros([2 * matrix.shape[0]]) for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): matrix_bis[i + j] += matrix[i, j] for i in range(0, matrix_bis.size): sv += (i - se) ** 2 * matrix_bis[i] return sv
[docs] def difference_variance_entropy(self, matrix): """ Calculates the difference of variance entropy over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ dv = 0 de = 0 matrix_bis = np.zeros([matrix.shape[0]]) for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): matrix_bis[abs(i - j)] += matrix[i, j] for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): dv += matrix_bis[i] * i ** 2 if matrix_bis[i] > 0: de -= math.log(matrix_bis[i]) * matrix_bis[i] return dv, de
[docs] def information_measure_correlation(self, matrix): """ Calculates the two measures of information measure of correlation over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: ic_1, ic_2 """ hxy = self.entropy(matrix) sum_row = np.sum(matrix, axis=0) hxy_1 = 0 hxy_2 = 0 hx = 0 for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): hx -= sum_row[i] * math.log(sum_row[i] + 0.001) for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): hxy_1 -= matrix[i, j] * math.log(sum_row[i] * sum_row[j] + 0.001) hxy_2 -= sum_row[i] * sum_row[j] * math.log(sum_row[i] * sum_row[j] + 0.001) ic_1 = (hxy - hxy_1) / (hx) if hxy == 0: ic_2 = 0 else: ic_2 = math.sqrt(1 - math.exp(-2 * (hxy_2 - hxy))) return ic_1, ic_2
[docs] def sum_square_variance(self, matrix): """ Calculates the sum of square variance over the glcm matrix :param matrix: :return: """ ssv = 0 range_values = np.arange(0, matrix.shape[0]) matrix_range = np.tile(range_values, [matrix.shape[0], 1]) mean = np.average(matrix_range * matrix) for i in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(0, matrix.shape[0]): ssv += (i - mean) ** 2 * matrix[i, j] return ssv
[docs] def sav(self): """ Calculates the Surface area / Volume ratio in terms of Probabilistic Count, Binarised count, Probabilistic Volume, Binarised Volume :return: """ Sn, Snb, Sv, Svb = self.surface() Vn, Vnb, Vv, Vvb = self.volume() return Sn / Vn, Snb / Vnb, Sv / Vv, Svb / Vvb
[docs] def compactness(self): """ Calculates the compactness S^1.5/V in terms of probabilistic count, binarised count, probabilistic volume, binarised volume :return: """ Sn, Snb, Sv, Svb = self.surface() Vn, Vnb, Vv, Vvb = self.volume() return np.power(Sn, 1.5) / Vn, np.power(Snb, 1.5) / Vnb, \ np.power(Sv, 1.5) / Vv, np.power(Svb, 1.5) / Vvb
[docs] def min_(self): """ Calculates the minimum of the image over the segmentation :return: """ return ma.min(self.masked_img, 0)
[docs] def max_(self): """ Calculates the maximum of the image over the segmentation :return: """ return ma.max(self.masked_img, 0)
[docs] def weighted_mean_(self): """ Calculates the weighted mean of the image given the probabilistic segmentation. If binary, mean and weighted mean will give the same result :return: """ masked_seg = np.tile(self.masked_seg, [self.img_channels, 1]).T return ma.average(self.masked_img, axis=0, weights=masked_seg).flatten()
[docs] def mean_(self): """ Calculates the mean of the image over the segmentation :return: """ return ma.mean(self.masked_img, 0)
[docs] def skewness_(self): """ Calculates the skewness of the image over the binarised segmentation :return: """ return mstats.skew(self.masked_img, 0)
[docs] def std_(self): """ calculates the standard deviation of the image over the binarised segmentation :return: """ return ma.std(self.masked_img, 0)
[docs] def kurtosis_(self): """ calculates the kurtosis of the image over the binarised segmentation :return: """ return mstats.kurtosis(self.masked_img, 0)
[docs] def median_(self): """ calculates the median of the image over the binarised segmentation :return: """ return ma.median(self.masked_img, 0)
[docs] def quantile_25(self): """ calculates the first quartile of the image over the binarised segmentation :return: """ return mstats.mquantiles(self.masked_img, prob=0.25, axis=0).flatten()
[docs] def quantile_75(self): """ calculates the third quartile of the image over the binarised segmentation :return: """ return mstats.mquantiles(self.masked_img, prob=0.75, axis=0).flatten()
[docs] def header_str(self): """ creates the header string to be output as part of the result report :return: """ result_str = [j for i in self.measures for j in self.m_dict[i][1]] result_str = ',' + ','.join(result_str) return result_str
[docs] def to_string(self, fmt='{:4f}'): """ transforms the result dictionary into a string according to a specified format to be written on the result report :param fmt: Format under which the result will be written e.g '{:4f}' :return: """ result_str = "" for i in self.measures: for j in self.m_dict[i][0](): try: result_str += ',' + fmt.format(j) except ValueError: # some functions give strings e.g., "--" print(i, j) result_str += ',{}'.format(j) return result_str