Source code for niftynet.layer.binary_masking

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimg
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes as fill_holes

from niftynet.layer.base_layer import Layer
from niftynet.utilities.util_common import look_up_operations
from niftynet.utilities.util_common import otsu_threshold

This class defines methods to generate a binary image from an input image.
The binary image can be used as an automatic foreground selector, so that later
processing layers can only operate on the `True` locations within the image.
SUPPORTED_MASK_TYPES = set(['threshold_plus', 'threshold_minus',
                            'otsu_plus', 'otsu_minus', 'mean_plus'])

SUPPORTED_MULTIMOD_MASK_TYPES = set(['or', 'and', 'multi'])

[docs]class BinaryMaskingLayer(Layer): def __init__(self, type_str='otsu_plus', multimod_fusion='or', threshold=0.0): super(BinaryMaskingLayer, self).__init__(name='binary_masking') self.type_str = look_up_operations( type_str.lower(), SUPPORTED_MASK_TYPES) self.multimod_fusion = look_up_operations( multimod_fusion.lower(), SUPPORTED_MULTIMOD_MASK_TYPES) self.threshold = threshold def __make_mask_3d(self, image): assert image.ndim == 3 image_shape = image.shape image = image.reshape(-1) mask = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.bool) thr = self.threshold if self.type_str == 'threshold_plus': mask[image > thr] = True elif self.type_str == 'threshold_minus': mask[image < thr] = True elif self.type_str == 'otsu_plus': thr = otsu_threshold(image) if np.any(image) else thr mask[image > thr] = True elif self.type_str == 'otsu_minus': thr = otsu_threshold(image) if np.any(image) else thr mask[image < thr] = True elif self.type_str == 'mean_plus': thr = np.mean(image) mask[image > thr] = True mask = mask.reshape(image_shape) mask = ndimg.binary_dilation(mask, iterations=2) mask = fill_holes(mask) # foreground should not be empty assert np.any(mask == True), \ "no foreground based on the specified combination parameters, " \ "please change choose another `mask_type` or double-check all " \ "input images" return mask
[docs] def layer_op(self, image): if image.ndim == 3: return self.__make_mask_3d(image) if image.ndim == 5: mod_to_mask = [m for m in range(image.shape[4]) if np.any(image[..., :, m])] mask = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=bool) mod_mask = None for mod in mod_to_mask: for t in range(image.shape[3]): mask[..., t, mod] = self.__make_mask_3d(image[..., t, mod]) # combine masks across the modalities dim if self.multimod_fusion == 'or': if mod_mask is None: mod_mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:4], dtype=bool) mod_mask = np.logical_or(mod_mask, mask[..., mod]) elif self.multimod_fusion == 'and': if mod_mask is None: mod_mask = np.ones(image.shape[:4], dtype=bool) mod_mask = np.logical_and(mod_mask, mask[..., mod]) for mod in mod_to_mask: mask[..., mod] = mod_mask return mask else: raise ValueError("unknown input format")