Source code for niftynet.layer.loss_regression

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Loss functions for regression
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import tensorflow as tf

from niftynet.engine.application_factory import LossRegressionFactory
from niftynet.layer.base_layer import Layer

[docs]class LossFunction(Layer): def __init__(self, loss_type='L2Loss', loss_func_params=None, name='loss_function'): super(LossFunction, self).__init__(name=name) # set loss function and function-specific additional params. self._data_loss_func = LossRegressionFactory.create(loss_type) self._loss_func_params = \ loss_func_params if loss_func_params is not None else {} self._reshape = True if loss_type == 'Cosine': self._reshape = False
[docs] def layer_op(self, prediction, ground_truth=None, weight_map=None): """ Compute loss from ``prediction`` and ``ground truth``, the computed loss map are weighted by ``weight_map``. if ``prediction`` is list of tensors, each element of the list will be compared against ``ground_truth` and the weighted by ``weight_map``. :param prediction: input will be reshaped into ``(batch_size, N_voxels, num_classes)`` :param ground_truth: input will be reshaped into ``(batch_size, N_voxels)`` :param weight_map: input will be reshaped into ``(batch_size, N_voxels)`` :return: """ with tf.device('/cpu:0'): batch_size = ground_truth.shape[0].value dir_size = 1 if self._reshape: ground_truth = tf.reshape(ground_truth, [batch_size, -1]) if weight_map is not None: weight_map = tf.reshape(weight_map, [batch_size, -1]) else: dir_size = ground_truth.shape[-1].value ground_truth = tf.reshape(ground_truth, [batch_size, -1, dir_size]) if not isinstance(prediction, (list, tuple)): prediction = [prediction] data_loss = [] for ind, pred in enumerate(prediction): # go through each scale def _batch_i_loss(*args): # go through each image in a batch if len(args[0]) == 2: pred_b, ground_truth_b = args[0] weight_map_b = None else: pred_b, ground_truth_b, weight_map_b = args[0] pred_b = tf.reshape(pred_b, tf.shape(ground_truth_b)) # pred_b = tf.reshape(pred_b, [-1]) # pred_b = tf.Print(tf.cast(pred_b, tf.float32), # [tf.shape( # pred_b), tf.shape( # ground_truth_b)], # message='pred_b_shape') loss_params = { 'prediction': pred_b, 'ground_truth': ground_truth_b, 'weight_map': weight_map_b} if self._loss_func_params: loss_params.update(self._loss_func_params) return tf.to_float(self._data_loss_func(**loss_params)) if weight_map is not None: elements = (pred, ground_truth, weight_map) else: elements = (pred, ground_truth) loss_batch = tf.map_fn( fn=_batch_i_loss, elems=elements, dtype=tf.float32, parallel_iterations=1) data_loss.append(tf.reduce_mean(loss_batch)) return tf.reduce_mean(data_loss)
[docs]def l1_loss(prediction, ground_truth, weight_map=None): """ :param prediction: the current prediction of the ground truth. :param ground_truth: the measurement you are approximating with regression. :return: mean of the l1 loss across all voxels. """ absolute_residuals = tf.abs(tf.subtract(prediction, ground_truth)) if weight_map is not None: absolute_residuals = tf.multiply(absolute_residuals, weight_map) sum_residuals = tf.reduce_sum(absolute_residuals) sum_weights = tf.reduce_sum(weight_map) else: sum_residuals = tf.reduce_sum(absolute_residuals) sum_weights = tf.size(absolute_residuals) return tf.truediv(tf.cast(sum_residuals, dtype=tf.float32), tf.cast(sum_weights, dtype=tf.float32))
[docs]def l2_loss(prediction, ground_truth, weight_map=None): """ :param prediction: the current prediction of the ground truth. :param ground_truth: the measurement you are approximating with regression. :return: sum(differences squared) / 2 - Note, no square root """ residuals = tf.subtract(prediction, ground_truth) if weight_map is not None: residuals = \ tf.multiply(residuals, weight_map) / tf.reduce_sum(weight_map) return tf.nn.l2_loss(residuals)
[docs]def rmse_loss(prediction, ground_truth, weight_map=None): """ :param prediction: the current prediction of the ground truth. :param ground_truth: the measurement you are approximating with regression. :param weight_map: a weight map for the cost function. . :return: sqrt(mean(differences squared)) """ if weight_map is not None: residuals = tf.subtract(prediction, ground_truth) residuals = tf.multiply(residuals, residuals) residuals = tf.multiply(residuals, weight_map) return tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(residuals) / tf.reduce_mean(weight_map)) else: return tf.sqrt(tf.losses.mean_squared_error(prediction, ground_truth))
[docs]def mae_loss(prediction, ground_truth, weight_map=None): """ :param prediction: the current prediction of the ground truth. :param ground_truth: the measurement you are approximating with regression. :param weight_map: a weight map for the cost function. . :return: mean(abs(ground_truth-prediction)) """ if weight_map is not None: residuals = tf.subtract(prediction, ground_truth) residuals = tf.abs(residuals) residuals = tf.multiply(residuals, weight_map) return tf.reduce_mean(residuals) / tf.reduce_mean(weight_map) else: return tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(tf.subtract(prediction, ground_truth)))
[docs]def huber_loss(prediction, ground_truth, delta=1.0, weight_map=None): """ The Huber loss is a smooth piecewise loss function that is quadratic for ``|x| <= delta``, and linear for ``|x|> delta`` See . :param prediction: the current prediction of the ground truth. :param ground_truth: the measurement you are approximating with regression. :param delta: the point at which quadratic->linear transition happens. :return: """ absolute_residuals = tf.abs(tf.subtract(prediction, ground_truth)) residual_is_outside_delta = tf.less(delta, absolute_residuals) quadratic_residual = 0.5 * absolute_residuals ** 2 linear_residual = delta * (absolute_residuals - delta / 2) voxelwise_loss = tf.where(residual_is_outside_delta, linear_residual, quadratic_residual) if weight_map is not None: voxelwise_loss = tf.multiply(voxelwise_loss, weight_map) sum_weights = tf.reduce_sum(weight_map) else: sum_weights = tf.to_float(tf.size(absolute_residuals)) sum_loss = tf.reduce_sum(voxelwise_loss) return tf.truediv(sum_loss, sum_weights)
[docs]def smooth_l1_loss(prediction, ground_truth, weight_map=None, value_thresh=0.5): """ Similarly to the Huber loss, the residuals are squared below a threshold value. In addition they are square above the inverse of this threshold :param prediction: the current prediction of the ground truth. :param ground_truth: the measurement you are approximating with regression. :param weight_map: :return: mean of the l1 loss across all voxels. """ # Definition of thresholds if value_thresh>1: value_thresh_max = value_thresh value_thresh = 1.0/value_thresh else: value_thresh_max = 1.0 / value_thresh value_correction = value_thresh ** 3 - value_thresh value_correction_max = value_thresh_max - value_thresh_max ** 2 prediction = tf.cast(prediction, dtype=tf.float32) ground_truth = tf.cast(ground_truth, dtype=tf.float32) absolute_residuals = tf.cast(tf.abs(tf.subtract(prediction, ground_truth)), dtype=tf.float32) absolute_residuals = tf.where(absolute_residuals < value_thresh, value_thresh * tf.square(absolute_residuals), absolute_residuals + value_correction) absolute_residuals = tf.where(tf.greater(absolute_residuals,value_thresh_max), tf.square( absolute_residuals) + value_correction_max, absolute_residuals) if weight_map is not None: absolute_residuals = tf.multiply(absolute_residuals, weight_map) sum_residuals = tf.reduce_sum(absolute_residuals) sum_weights = tf.reduce_sum(weight_map) else: sum_residuals = tf.reduce_sum(absolute_residuals) sum_weights = tf.size(absolute_residuals) return tf.truediv(tf.cast(sum_residuals, dtype=tf.float32), tf.cast(sum_weights, dtype=tf.float32))
[docs]def cosine_loss(prediction, ground_truth, weight_map=None, to_complete=True): ''' Cosine loss between predicted and ground_truth vectors. The predicted and targeted vectors should be unit vectors :param prediction: :param ground_truth: :param weight_map: :param to_complete: if the unit vector is to be completed :return: ''' if to_complete: prediction_complete = tf.reshape(tf.sqrt(1 - tf.minimum(tf.reduce_sum( tf.square( prediction),-1),1)), [tf.shape(prediction)[0],1]) ground_truth_complete = tf.reshape(tf.sqrt(1 - tf.minimum(tf.reduce_sum( tf.square( ground_truth),-1),1)),[tf.shape(prediction)[0],1]) pred_vect = tf.concat([prediction, prediction_complete], -1) gt_vect = tf.concat([ground_truth, ground_truth_complete], -1) else: pred_vect = prediction gt_vect = ground_truth if weight_map is None: weight_map = tf.ones([tf.shape(prediction)[0]]) else: weight_map = tf.reshape(weight_map, [tf.shape(prediction)[0]]) pred_vect = pred_vect / tf.maximum(tf.norm( pred_vect,ord='euclidean',axis=-1, keep_dims=True), 0.00001) gt_vect = gt_vect /tf.maximum(tf.norm( gt_vect,ord='euclidean',axis=-1, keep_dims=True), 0.00001) loss_init = 1 -tf.reduce_sum(gt_vect * pred_vect, -1) weighted_loss = loss_init * weight_map loss = tf.reduce_sum(weighted_loss) / tf.reduce_sum(weight_map) return loss